Telecomunicações em eventos: orientações da Anatel para promotores e expositores
Promotores e expositores precisam conhecer a regulamentação da Anatel para o uso correto de produtos de telecomunicações em eventos.
O uso de equipamentos de telecomunicações é muito comum em feiras e eventos. Equipes operacionais e de logística utilizam rádios para comunicação, por exemplo, e muitos expositores demonstram produtos que fazem uso de radiofrequências.
Organizadores, promotores de eventos e expositores devem conhecer como a regulamentação da Anatel se aplica a cada dispositivo utilizado.
Veja orientações gerais da Anatel nessa página. Clique nos links abaixo para expandir o conteúdo.
Certificação e homologação de produtos para telecomunicações
- Conheça o passo a passo [vídeo]
Garanta a regularidade da homologação de produtos de telecomunicações antes de iniciar o uso ou a comercialização dos equipamentos. Somente dispositivos homologados pela Anatel podem ser comercializados no Brasil.Conheça os passos para a homologação.
Resumo do processo de certificação e homologação de produtos [pdf]
Uso temporário de radiofrequências (UTE)
- Orientações sobre UTE [vídeo]
Informe-se sobre a necessidade de obter a autorização de uso temporário do espectro (UTE) antes de utilizar equipamentos emissores de radiofrequências ou demonstrar novas tecnologias que ocupem o espectro.A autorização de UTE é necessária para a utilização de equipamentos emissores de radiofrequência não homologados ou não licenciados, tais como dispositivos experimentais, rádios, microfones sem fio, entre outros.
Veja as características da autorização de uso temporário do espectro.
Orientações sobre UTE para organizadores de eventos e expositores [pdf]
Guidelines on type approval and temporary use of spectrum. Click on the links to expand the contents.
Certification and homologation (type approval) of telecom / ICT products in Brazil
- Learn the steps [video]
Meet the steps for certification and homologation of telecom products [pdf]In order to ensure that telecommunication products used in the country meet quality and security minimum standards, current regulation in Brazil requires that telecommunication products must be previously certified and homologated (type approved) to be used in the Brazilian territory.
Telecommunication equipment to be used in applications with authorization of temporary spectrum use are exempt from certification and homologation while the temporary use authorization is valid.
Short Range Devices (Low Power)Short range devices (e.g. Wi-Fi routers) shall be certified by Anatel. In that sense, it is suggested that such kind of equipment be acquired in Brazil.
If there is no authorization of temporary spectrum use, restricted radiation equipment, which, in principle, may be used with exemption of license for station operation and independent of granting temporary use of spectrum, must be certified and homologated by Anatel.
On the other hand, portable telecommunications equipment that can be classified as component parts of personal systems such as mobile phone, notebooks and tablets, may be used throughout the time that the holder of the product is legally authorized to remain in the country.
It should be remarked that, for all circumstances, it is not allowed to commercialize telecommunication equipment without due certification and homologation by Anatel.
Temporary admission of foreign goods, including telecom equipment Regarding the temporary admission of foreign goods, including telecom equipment, please refer to the Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil: Receita Federal.
Temporary use of radio frequencies (licensing)
- Licensing guidelines [video]
Characteristics of the authorization for temporary use of spectrum [pdf]The entity or professional interested in using radio frequencies in a temporary basis should know:
- The use of radio frequency, on a permanent or temporary basis, requires prior authorization from Anatel.
- The authorization for temporary use of radio frequency is of exclusive competence of Anatel. Rules and conditions are established by Anatel Resolution nr. 635/2014.
- The authorization is chargeable to the user, unless otherwise stated.
- The authorization is made for the use of frequencies on a secondary basis, meaning that the applicant has no right to protection from interference made by other systems authorized on a primary or secondary basis.
- The request for authorization of temporary use of radiofrequency must be sent to Anatel by an entity holding an Individual Taxpayers' Registry (CPF) or a Corporate Taxpayers' Registry (CNPJ), in addition to other information requested for enrollment in Anatel's system (Mosaico).
- List of satellites with Land Rights authorized in Brazil.
- The equipment used in authorized applications for temporary use do not require certification (homologation/type approval).
- If you want to apply for temporary use of RF, check the registration form on the temporary use of radio frequency system and the operation manual (available only in Portuguese).
- Guidelines regarding the request for the temporary use of the spectrum by foreign diplomatic missions or international bodies
The diplomatic missions and the international bodies, which are interested about getting authorization of Temporary Use of the Spectrum for the visits to Brazil of foreign authorities, or foreign military ships and airplanes, must directly submit the request to the Ministry of External Relations (MRE) in Brasilia. Later on, the requests will be sent by the MRE to the Anatel.
The diplomatic representations which would like to submit that request will have to take care of providing the minimum information to be stated on the request, according to the Regulations for the Temporary Use of the Spectrum:
- identification of the foreign diplomatic mission or the international body;
- information so as the MRE may get in touch;
- technical information about the intended use of radio-frequencies;
- forecasted starting and ending dates for the temporary use of radio-frequencies; and
- locations for the operations of the stations.
In order to get more information, the contact of the MRE (exclusively to render services to embassies and international bodies) is:
Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco H, Palácio Itamaraty, Térreo, Sala 6
Tel: +55 (61) 2030-8040/6060
Fax: +55 (61) 2030-8038
- What might happen if an individual (or entity) operates its RF system without the proper authorization for the use of radio frequency?
Anatel, through the authorization process, coordinates the use of telecommunication equipment operating with radio frequency in order to avoid degradation or malfunction of telecommunications networks installed in a particular geographic region.
The equipment identified as operating in disagreement (variation) with its authorization act (license), or without it, are subject to interruption. Additionally, as established in Article 183 and the sole paragraph of Article 184 of the General Telecommunications Law (LGT), the use of radio frequency without authorization is considered a criminal offense and the illegal activity will be duly reported to the authorities responsible for investigating crimes.
Thus, given the serious consequences resulting from the use of radio frequencies without prior authorization from Anatel, it is required that you apply for this authorization.