Federal government intensifies fight against illegal mining in Munduruku Indigenous Lands

The federal task force is working with around 20 federal agencies, covering the 2.3 million hectares of the territory, which is home to 9,257 indigenous people, by air, land and river - Credit: Vinícius Mendonça/Ibama
Jacareacanga and Itaituba, in Pará, are known as the Amazon's gold capitals. However, the region's natural wealth is not being used to generate economic development for municipalities because the majority of existing gold mining is illegal, violates indigenous lands and environmental protection areas, and degrades nature with no compensation. If illegal mining provides employment for some who are willing to take on the risks of this criminal and toxic activity, the benefits and profits are limited to this group, at the expense of the local population and the country as a whole, which loses some of its forest and natural resources.
According to IBGE data, only 2% of households in Jacareacanga have adequate sanitation, the town's average infant mortality rate is high (20.8 per 1,000 live births), and only 9% of the population of 24,000 is employed. In Itaituba, a larger town harboring 123,000 people, 20% of households have adequate sewage, an average infant mortality rate of 18.56 per 1,000 live births, and an 18% occupied population.
Since November 9, the Federal Government has been conducting a major operation to remove intruders, equipment and buildings associated with illegal mining from the Munduruku Indigenous Land, which has more than 90% of its territory within the borders of Jacareacanga and a small portion (2%) in Itaituba. As a result of this intervention, a large amount of machinery has already been destroyed, estimated at BRL 74 million so far.
The disintrusion operation has entered its second month and continues at a strong pace, according to the schedule established by the Civil House. The federal task force is working with around 20 federal agencies covering the 2.3 million hectares of the territory, which is home to 9,257 indigenous people, by air, land and river. Since the start of the operation, more than 300 actions have been carried out and the expectation is to continue with monitoring and inspections so that criminal activity loses strength and is made impossible.
Operation General Coordinator Nilton Tubino says that the work of the security teams and other members of the federal inspection, monitoring, dialog and intelligence teams will continue until the Indigenous Lands are entirely returned to their owners. "These lands belong exclusively to the indigenous people and only they can enjoy its natural resources. We won't allow the Amazon to be cut down for the benefit of private individuals," he said, explaining that the government has also taken action outside the boundaries of the Indigenous Lands to protect the forest. "President Lula has determined that the State should protect the Amazon. This is the treasure of the Brazilian people," he pointed out.
INVESTMENTS — From January to September 2024, the Federal Government transferred BRL 84 million to the municipality of Jacareacanga: for citizens, BRL 29.84 million in Bolsa Família, BRL 3.13 million in Continuous Cash Benefit, BRL 9.24 million in Social Security Benefits, BRL 1.22 million through the National School Feeding Program [Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar/PNAE], among other forms of assistance.
Also between January and September 2024, Itaituba received federal assistance in the total amount of BRL 233.97 million, directly for the municipality: BRL 113.59 million from Bolsa Família, BRL 82.91 million from the Continuous Cash Benefit, BRL 170.73 million in Social Security Benefits, and BRL 3.77 million from the National School Feeding Program, among others.
NEW PAC — In the investment portfolio of the New PAC, the Federal Government's investment program, Jacareacanga has been contemplated with water supply systems, the completion of two schools, two health units and school transportation. Itaituba will see the completion of three kindergartens, a sports court, two health facilities, as well as new health units, ambulances, school transportation and water supply systems.
“There is much to be done for these municipalities and the Federal Government is taking action. We need to work to bring employment and income opportunities, health and safety. To this end, we share responsibility with municipal and state managers. We will not allow crime to provide the illusory promise of employment opportunities and better lives. What we have seen is environmental degradation, the decimation of indigenous communities and the deforestation of the Amazon," added Tubino.
COMMITMENT — The deforestation of the Munduruku Indigenous Lands has reinforced the government's commitment to protecting Brazil's natural wealth. Continuous and coordinated actions aim not only to suppress illegal activities, but also to make society aware of the importance of environmental preservation. Operations prioritize combating deforestation and predatory exploitation of the Amazon.
IMPORTANCE — In addition to being illegal, mineral exploitation in the Munduruku Indigenous Lands leaves a trail of problems that harms indigenous people, the environment and the population of neighboring municipalities such as Jacareacanga and Itaituba. Environmental degradation, contamination by substances such as mercury and cyanide, malaria, social disorganization, land grabbing, work analogous to slavery, an increase in diseases, exploitation of child prostitution and alarming rates of violence are the most present in the region. What's more, all the potential profit from illegally extracting gold from indigenous land remains in the hands of the gold diggers and their financiers.