BRL 8.5 million allocated to LGBTQIA+ rights protection programs

28th LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade, held on Sunday (2) at Avenida Paulista, São Paulo - Credit: Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil
The Federal Government announced an investment of BRL 8.5 million ($1.62 million) in programs aimed at protecting and ensuring the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals. The investment aims to foster the development of robust public policies aimed at combating prejudice and discrimination effectively.
This initiative marks the beginning of a series of public policies tailored to address the needs of Brazilian citizens traditionally overlooked and marginalized by both societal norms and government institutions.”
Silvio Almeida
Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship
On the eve of the 28th São Paulo LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade, Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship Silvio Almeida (ministro dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania – MDHC) announced the launch of three programs by the National Secretariat for the Rights of LGBTQIA+ People (Secretaria Nacional dos Direitos das Pessoas LGBTQIA+). These programs include ACOLHER+, providing support for LGBTQIA+ individuals experiencing homelessness or recent familial abandonment; EMPODERA+, which focuses on facilitating dignified employment and income generation; and the National Program for Combating Violence and Promoting Human Rights in Rural, Aquatic and Forest Territories (Bem Viver+).
“This initiative marks the beginning of a series of public policies tailored to address the needs of Brazilian citizens traditionally overlooked and marginalized by both societal norms and government institutions,” stated the Minister, underscoring the Federal Government's commitment to upholding the dignity of all individuals.
LGBTQIA+ National Secretary Symmy Larrat explained that these programs represent pilot initiatives aligned with the MDHC's overarching vision for the final program. "The strategies showcased here are in line with our objective of crafting regulations, resolutions and policy experiences. Ultimately, our goal is to develop a comprehensive program, which will be the focal point at our national conference next year," she explained. "This represents the largest budget allocation for direct actions aimed at safeguarding and advancing the rights of LGBTQIA+ individuals," she declared.
ACOLHER+ — The National Program for Strengthening LGBTQIA+ Shelters (Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento das Casas de Acolhimento LGBTQIA+), known as Acolher+, was established in December 2023. It caters to LGBTQIA+ individuals facing homelessness or recent familial abandonment due to discrimination based on gender identity and/or sexual orientation. The goal is to reduce the risks these individuals face due to lack of support and to offer, in addition to psychological assistance, opportunities for rebuilding their lives despite the adversities they have encountered.
The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz – Fiocruz) is spearheading a project designed to provide assistance to existing shelters and to fortify the institutional framework of this policy by establishing model shelters. The overarching objective is to enhance these shelters as cultural hubs that not only offer accommodation but also host a variety of citizenship and cultural enrichment activities.
EMPODERA+ — This project promotes dignified employment and income generation opportunities for LGBTQIA+ individuals. It focuses on training and integration into the workforce as paths to economic independence. This initiative is an integral component of the National Strategy for Dignified Work, Education, and Income Generation (Estratégia Nacional de Trabalho Digno, Educação e Geração de Renda).
The initial phase of the EMPODERA+ Pilot Project (PPE+) will be implemented in the states of Pará, Maranhão, Espírito Santo, Ceará, and Rio Grande do Sul. Last week, the MDHC announced the allocation of funds to Fundacentro, which will enable the launch of the EMPODERA+ Pilot Project in Pará, Espírito Santo, and Maranhão.
This initiative supports LGBTQIA+ individuals experiencing social vulnerability by providing scholarships for job training and labor market integration. It also establishes a National Opportunities Committee (Comitê de Oportunidades) to streamline the nationwide availability of resources. Activities aim to empower participants, with courses on citizenship and human rights. This initiative is a collaborative effort with the Ministry of Labor and Employment (Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego) and requires cooperation from states participating in the pilot project.
BEM VIVER+ — This program targets LGBTQIA+ individuals engaged in family farming, land reform resettlement communities, riverine communities, caiçaras, extractivist communities, fisheries, indigenous peoples and communities of former slaves (quilombolas).
BEM VIVER+ trains LGBTQIA+ human rights defenders to support self-defense and self-care practices tailored to the specific needs of each population. This initiative is innovative as it caters to marginalized groups typically left out of the LGBTQIA+ agenda and other programs associated with the MDHC.
LGBTQIA+ CITIZENSHIP — Recently, the MDHC minister unveiled the LGBTQIA+ Citizenship government logo, highlighting a historic allocation of budgetary funds by the Federal Government for endeavors concerning the protection, promotion and assurance of LGBTQIA+ rights. This new emblem encompasses all efforts across ministries and public institutions aimed at promoting, safeguarding, and ensuring the rights of this population, with the objective of widely publicizing initiatives, projects and programs supporting LGBTQIA+ individuals.
The logo results from the Federal Government's 2024-2027 multi-year plan to champion LGBTQIA+ rights. A QR Code allows stakeholders to access a comprehensive list of actions pertaining to the protection of LGBTQIA+ rights undertaken by federal ministries and agencies, and other public institutions. The objective is to extensively disseminate initiatives, projects and programs supporting this population.
28th PRIDE PARADE — On Sunday, June 2, Minister Silvio Almeida participated in São Paulo's 28th LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade. At the opening, he said that Brazil’s democratic credentials depend on the treating all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their identity, the choices they make or how they lead their lives.
Speaking to a crowd of thousands, the minister made a commitment to continue attending and supporting the Pride Parade, emphasizing the government's obligation to implement policies benefiting the LGBTQIA+ community. "The LGBT Parade is a moment to emphasize and highlight national unity, that all Brazilians must be respected," he said.
"I don't want any mother or father to have to mourn the death of their child. I want all mothers and fathers to know that their children, regardless of who they are or how they want to love, will come home alive, will have a dignified life, and will be respected,” said Minister Almeida. "We are here in the name of the Brazilian family, of true love, against hatred, and against violence."