International Agreements on Social Security
Versão em Português Versión en Español
International Agreements on Social Security are within the Brazilian foreign policy, which is carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ( The agreements are a result from the efforts made by the Ministry of Social Security ( and diplomatic agreements between governments.
The reasons why the Brazilian government has signed the International Agreements with other countries meet at least one of the following situations:
- high volume in foreign trade;
- substantial foreign investments in Brazil;
- intense migratory flow in the past;
- special friendship relations.
The main objective of International Agreements is to guarantee social security rights to workers, legal dependents and to those living or visiting the country, in accordance with the legislation of both countries.
International Agreements on Social Security guarantee the rendering of social benefits services, although it does not imply a modification of the current legislation in the country. Thus, each party of Contracted State is supposed to analyze the presented benefits requests and to decide the rights and conditions, according to each country's applicable legislation.
Brazil has the following Multilateral Agreements:
- IBERO-AMERICAN (Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Spain, Paraguay and Portugal) – updated in March, 2011 - entry into force: May/2011)
- MERCOSUR (Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay):
Regarding the Bilateral Agreements, Brazil has effective Social Security Agreements with the following countries:
Agreements signed, waiting on ratification by the National Congress:
Competent Authority in Brazil
Secretariat for Social Security of Ministry of Finance.
In the Secretariat of Social Security, the General-Coordination of International Agreements and Cooperation is responsible for the celebration/negotiation of the International Agreements and for follow up and evaluation of their operation.
General Coordination of International Agreements and Cooperation Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco F – sala 919, Brasília (DF) – CEP 70.059-905 Tel.: (+5561) 2021-5179E-mail: internacional@localhost |
Administration Agency
It is the Competent Institution conceding the benefits under the Agreements. In Brazil the Administration Agency it is the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) that operates the Agreements through the Liaison Agencies, after the formation of the processes by the specific State areas.
Beneficiaries of the International Agreements
The worker and their dependents are beneficiaries in the International Agreements subjected to the Regime of Social Security provided, concerning each Agreement.
Services Included in the International Agreements
The Agreements on Social Security are applied to the benefits specified in each Agreement in the following situations:
- Disability to work ( permanent or temporary);
- Work accident or professional disease;
- Period of contribution;
- Old age;
- Death;
- Professional rehabilitation;
Certificate of Temporary Detachment and Exemption of Contribution
To the worker/self-employed will be provided the Certificate of Temporary Detachment, in order to exempt the contribution of the insured person in the Accordant Country where he/she will work, so the person can stay with the Brazilian Social Insurance. The request shall be done by the employee/self-employed in a Social Security Agency as the interested person prefers.
Observation: Only in the Agreements Brazil/Spain and Brazil/Greece it is foreseen the Temporary Detachment to self-employed persons.
The worker (beneficiary) must carry a copy of his/hers Certificate of Detachment. The period of detachment can be extended according to the terms and conditions arranged in each Agreement.
OBS.: The benefit request, including the other Country’s benefit legislation shall be made into a protocol in the Administration Agency of the country the interested person is residing.
In Brazil, the requests can be formalized in Social Security Agencies chosen by the interested person. Later, the Agency shall send the process to the corresponding Liaison Agency.
Transferring Benefits to Foreign Countries
The solicitation to transfer benefits, granted by the Brazilian legislation, may be requested by the beneficiary exclusively to Portugal, Spain and Greece. In this case, the worker must request, before moving or taking a long trip, the transfer to a Social Security Agency (Agência da Previdência Social – APS), where the benefit is held.
When the worker (beneficiary) returns to Brazil, he/she must inform his/her new address to the nearest APS.
These procedures must be followed in order to avoid the suspension of the beneficiary’s payments.
Liaison Agencies in Brazil
Liaison Agencies are designated by the authorities responsible for the Bilateral Agreements on Social Security to communicate to each other and to guarantee the performance of the requests that are formulated under the Agreements, as well as clarify questions the workers/beneficiaries might have.
With the Resolution number 130 of 30 December 2010, each Agreement on Social Security is in only one Liaison Agency, as showed below:
Agreement with | Liaison agency in Brazil | Liaison agency in the other country |
GERMANY | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais - Florianópolis (SC) (Código: 20.001.130)
End.: Rua Felipe Schmidt, nº 331, 4º Andar, Sala 19.002, Centro, Florianópolis (SC) CEP 88.010-000 Tel: (48) 3298-8125 / 3298-8142 Fax: (48) 3298-8158 E-mail: |
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See Pieperstraße 14-2844789 – Bochum Deutschland (Alemanha)
Deutsche Rentenversicherung Nordbayern Friedenstraße 12/1497072 – Würzburg Deutschland (Alemanha) Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund10704 – Berlin Deutschland (Alemanha) |
Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais - Florianópolis (SC) (Código: 20.001.130)
End.: Rua Felipe Schmidt, nº 331, 4º Andar, Sala 19.002, Centro, Florianópolis (SC) CEP 88.010-000 Tel: (48) 3298-8125 / 3298-8142 Fax: (48) 3298-8158 E-mail: |
Departamento de Convênios Internacionales
End.: Edifício Paraná 415. 1302, Buenos Aires - Argentina Tel.: 00xx 5 4114 339-3291/3292 Fax: 00xx 5 4114 339-3297 |
BELGIUM | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Brasília – DF (Código: 23.001.140)
End.: SCRS 502, Bloco “B”, Lote 8 a 12 – W3 Sul, Brasília (DF) CEP 70.330-520 Tel.:(61) 3433-7434 /3433-7435 /3433-7436/4333-7437 /3433-7438/3433-7439/3433-7440/3433-7474 E-mail: |
Office National Des Pensions Bureau Conventions Internationales Tour de Midi 1060 Bruxelles |
CAPE VERDE | Agência da Previdência Social de Atendimento Acordos Internacionais – São Paulo (Código: 21.004.120)
End.: Rua Santa Cruz, 747, 1º Subsolo, Vila Mariana – São Paulo (SP) - CEP 04.121-000 Tel: (11) 3503-3607 /3503-3617/3503-3618 Fax: (11) 5084-4786 E-mail: |
Instituto Nacional de Previdência Social
End.: Caixa Postal 372, Cidade da Praia – Cabo Verde. Tel.: 00xx238 61-5665/61-5667 Fax: 00xx238 61-3266 |
CANADA | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Brasília – DF (Código: 23.001.140)
End.: SCRS 502, Bloco “B”, Lote 8 a 12 – W3 Sul, Brasília (DF) CEP 70.330-520 Tel.:(61) 3433-7434 /3433-7435 /3433-7436/4333-7437 /3433-7438/3433-7439/3433-7440/3433-7474 E-mail: |
International Operations – NB Service Canada P.O. 250 Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 4Z6 Facsimile: + 1-506-452-3415 |
IBEROAMERICAN SOCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Curitiba (Código: 14.001.030)
End.: Rua João Negrão, nº 11, 6º andar - sala 605 Centro, Curitiba (PR) - CEP 80010-200 Tel.: (41) 3616-9385 / 3616-9382 E-mail: |
Bolívia: Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control de Pensiones y Seguros
End.: Calle Reyes Ortiz, Nº 73, Edificio Torres Gundiach, Torre Este, Casilla 10794 - La Paz, Bolivia Equador: Instituto Equatoriano de Seguridad Social - Secretaria Geral – Convenios Internacionales End.: Avenida 10 de agosto, Edifício Matriz, 6º Piso - Quito – Equador El Salvador: Superintendencia de Pensiones de El Salvador. Para os demais países, os Organismos de Ligação são os mesmos dos Acordos bilaterais. |
CHILE | Agência da Previdência Social – Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Recife (Código: 15.001.120)
End.: Rua Corredor do Bispo, nº 155, 1º andar, Boa Vista, Recife (PE) - CEP 50.050-090 Tel.: (81) 3412-5683 Fax: (81) 3221-2774 E-mail: |
Ministerio del Trabajo e Prevision Social
End.: Rua Huerfanos, 1.273, 5º Piso, Santiago, Chile Tel.: 00xx562 671-4761672-7792 Fax: 00xx562 696-6267 |
SPAIN | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Rio de Janeiro (Código: 17.001.220)
End.: Rua Pedro Lessa nº 36, 5º andar, sala 519, Centro, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - CEP 20.030-030 Tel: (21) 2272-3438/ 2272-3515 |
Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social
End.: Calle Padre Damion, 4, Madrid 26036 – Espanha Tel.: 00xx3491 563-6688 Fax: 00xx3491 563-3027 |
FRANCE | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Rio de Janeiro (Código: 17.001.220)
End.: Rua Pedro Lessa nº 36, 5º andar, sala 519, Centro, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - CEP 20.030-030 Tel: (21) 2272-3438/ 2272-3515 |
Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Vieillesse des Travailleurs Salariés (CNAV) – Direction des assurés de l’étranger 15, Avenue Louis JOUHANNEAU 37078 TOURS CEDEX 2 FRANCE |
GREECE | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Brasília – DF (Código: 23.001.140)
End.: SCRS 502, Bloco “B”, Lote 8 a 12 – W3 Sul, Brasília (DF) CEP 70.330-520 Tel.:(61) 3433-7434 /3433-7435 /3433-7436/4333-7437 /3433-7438/3433-7439/3433-7440/3433-7474 E-mail: |
L’Institution de Sécurite Sociale (IKA)
End.: Rue Aghiou Konstatinou 8, 10241 Atenas – Grécia Tel.: 00xx301 674-4824 Fax: 00xx301 674-1377 |
ITALY | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais - Belo Horizonte (Código: 11.001.140)
End.: Rua Amazonas, nº 266, 9º Andar, Sala 901, Centro, Belo Horizonte (MG) - CEP 30.180-001 Tel: (31) 3249-4605/ 3249-4604/ 3249-4606/ 3249-4607 E-mail: |
Servizio Rapporti Convezioni Internazionale
End.: Villa della Frezza, 17 00186 – Roma – Itália. Tel.: 00xx 3906 5905-6401 / Fax: 00xx 3906 5905-6405 |
JAPAN | Agência da Previdência Social de Atendimento Acordos Internacionais – São Paulo (Código: 21.004.120)
End.: Rua Santa Cruz, 747, 1º Subsolo, Vila Mariana – São Paulo (SP) - CEP 04.121-000 Tel: (11) 3503-3607 /3503-3617/3503-3618 Fax: (11) 5084-4786 E-mail: |
JPS - Japan Pension Service
End.: 3-5-24 takaido-nishi Suginami-ku Tóquio Postal Code: 168-8505 Tel.: 0xx81-3 5843 9317 E-mail: |
KOREA | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Curitiba (Código: 14.001.030)
End.: Rua João Negrão, nº 11, 6º andar – sala 605 Centro, Curitiba (PR) – CEP 80010-200 Tel.: (41) 3616-9385 / 3616-9382 E-mail: |
International Center of National Pension Service 22nd Fl. 173 Toegyero, (Namsan Square Bldg., Chungmuro 3-ga) Jung-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Zip Code : 04554 Email of the person in charge : 82-2-2176-8707 82-2-3484-9804 |
LUXEMBURG | Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais Brasília – DF (Código: 23.001.140)
End.: SCRS 502, Bloco “B”, Lote 8 a 12 – W3 Sul, Brasília (DF) CEP 70.330-520 Tel.:(61) 3433-7434 /3433-7435 /3433-7436/4333-7437 /3433-7438/3433-7439/3433-7440/3433-7474 E-mail: |
Ministerè de la Securité Sociale
Boite Postale 1308 L 1031 – Luxemburg Tel.: 00xx352 478-6332 Fax: 00xx352 478-6225 |
Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais - Florianópolis (SC) (Código: 20.001.130)
End.: Rua Felipe Schmidt, nº 331, 4º Andar, Sala 19.002, Centro, Florianópolis (SC) CEP 88.010-000 Tel: (48) 3298-8125 / 3298-8142 Fax: (48) 3298-8158 E-mail: |
Instituto de Previsión Social do Paraguay (IPS)
End.: Luis Alberto de Herrera 1.144, Primer Piso, Edifício IPS - Asunción, Paraguay Tel.: 00xx591 2122-3811 |
PORTUGAL | Agência da Previdência Social de Atendimento Acordos Internacionais – São Paulo (Código: 21.004.120)
End.: Rua Santa Cruz, 747, 1º Subsolo, Vila Mariana – São Paulo (SP) - CEP 04.121-000 Tel: (11) 3503-3607 /3503-3617/3503-3618 Fax: (11) 5084-4786 E-mail: |
Centro Nacional de Pensões
End.: Rua Campo Grande 6, Lisboa. Código Postal 1749-001 Tel.: 217 9003 700 E-mail: |
Agência da Previdência Social Atendimento Acordos Internacionais - Florianópolis (SC) (Código: 20.001.130)
End.: Rua Felipe Schmidt, nº 331, 4º Andar, Sala 19.002, Centro, Florianópolis (SC) CEP 88.010-000 Tel: (48) 3298-8125 / 3298-8142 Fax: (48) 3298-8158 E-mail: |
Banco de Previsión Social
End.: Rua Colônia 1851, Piso 1 – 11200, Montevideo – Uruguai. Tel: 00xxx5982 401-7673 Fax: 00xx5982 409-7182 |
The emission of the Right to Medical Care in Foreign Country Certificate (CEDAM) is responsibility of the Ministry of Health -
You can obtain more information in the “Departamento Nacional de Auditoria do SUS” - DENASUS - Telephones: +55 (61) 3306-7207 / 7337 / 7338