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Xi Jinping and Lula during the signing ceremony at the Alvorada Palace. Image: Ricardo Stuckert / PR
Elevate the global strategic partnership to the level of a China-Brazil community with a shared future for a more just world and a more sustainable planet — and establish cooperation for the next 50 years in areas such as sustainable infrastructure, energy transition, artificial intelligence, digital economy, health, and aerospace. This was one of the main outcomes of the meetings, agreements, and partnerships consolidated following the state visit of the President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, to Brazil. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva received the Chinese leader on Wednesday, November 20, at the Alvorada Palace Brasília.
In the context of this visit, almost 40 international acts have been signed in areas such as trade, agriculture, industry, investment, science and technology, communications, health, energy, culture, education, and tourism”
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of the Republic
» Full text of President Lula's speech
» Full text of the measures adopted during the state visit (available in Portuguese)
“In the context of this visit, almost 40 international acts were signed in areas such as trade, agriculture, industry, investment, science and technology, communications, health, energy, culture, education and tourism,” listed President Lula during his statement to the press.
The official partnership between the two countries dates back 50 years. It has fostered a productive relationship within international organizations such as the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO) and groups such as the G20 and BRICS. Lula emphasized that this meeting further strengthens the strategic partnership between Brazil and China in defense of global governance reform and promoting a more democratic, equitable and environmentally sustainable international system. The President Xi endorses these views.
“As the two largest developing countries in their respective hemispheres, China and Brazil must proactively assume the great historical responsibility of safeguarding the common interests of the countries of the Global South, promoting a more just and equitable international order. We will deepen cooperation in priority areas such as economy and trade, finance, science and technology, infrastructure and environmental production, and strengthen cooperation in emerging areas such as energy transition, digital economy, artificial interaction, and green mining," said Xi Jinping in his statement.
Apesar de distantes na geografia, há meio século China e Brasil cultivam uma amizade estratégica, baseada em interesses compartilhados e visões de mundo próximas. A China é o maior parceiro comercial do Brasil desde 2009. Em 2023, o comércio bilateral atingiu recorde histórico de…
— Lula (@LulaOficial) November 20, 2024
SYNERGIES - The agenda of the meeting also addressed synergies between the two countries’ investment and development policies and programs, as well as strengthened bilateral relations and coordination on regional and multilateral topics. "We will establish synergies between Brazilian development strategies, such as the New Industry Brazil [Nova Indústria Brasil/NIB], the Growth Acceleration Program [Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento/PAC], the South American Integration Routes Program [Programa Rotas da Integração Sul-Americana], the Ecological Transformation Plan [Plano de Transformação Ecológica] and the Belt and Road Initiative [Iniciativa Cinturão e Rota]," said the Brazilian president.
TASK FORCE - Lula also assured that, for the agreements to be implemented, a Task Force on Financial Cooperation and another on Productive and Sustainable Development will be established. These Task Forces will present priority projects within two months, in addition to continued efforts to follow up on the Mercosur-China Dialogue and enhance cooperation in investment areas.
A BETTER WORLD – According to the Chinese leader, the time has come for both countries to collaborate in pursuing development, cooperation, and justice instead of poverty, confrontation, and hegemony, thus building a better world. The Brazilian president highlighted the Chinese government's support for the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty, officially launched two days ago during the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro. More than 80 nations have already joined this initiative. "China was an early partner in this endeavor to restore dignity to 733 million people suffering from hunger in the world in the 21st century," Lula remarked.
QUEST FOR PEACE - Another topic discussed during the meeting was the end of Ukraine and the Middle East wars. Lula recalled that the planet could not address the climate crisis without peace, another goal shared with China. “Chinese interest in the Tropical Forests Forever Facility, proposed by Brazil to fund the preservation of these biomes, confirms that effective alternatives to finance sustainable development exist.”
UKRAINE AND PALESTINE - Xi Jinping stressed that only when there is a shared, cooperative, and sustainable vision of security will it be possible to pave the way for lasting peace. “China and Brazil have issued common understandings on a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine and created the Group of Friends of Peace on the crisis in Ukraine, together with other countries in the Global South. We must unite more voices that advocate peace and seek to make a political solution possible. Regarding the Middle East conflict, the Chinese president stated that the focus must be on Palestine. It is the root cause. We call for an immediate ceasefire," the Chinese leader reiterated.
AUTHORITIES - Several authorities attended the meeting, including Vice President Geraldo Alckmin and Ministers Rui Costa (Chief of Staff), Fernando Haddad (Finance), Mauro Vieira (Foreign Affairs), Carlos Fávaro (Agriculture and Livestock), Alexandre Silveira (Mines and Energy), Juscelino Filho (Communications), Luciana Santos (Science, Technology, and Innovation), and Simone Tebet (Planning and Budget), in addition to Special Advisor Celso Amorim, BNDES President Aloizio Mercadante, Central Bank President-designate Gabriel Galípolo, Brazilian Ambassador to China Marcos Galvão, and former President Dilma Rousseff, current president of the BRICS bank NDB.
HONORS - President Xi Jinping was welcomed with military honors by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and First Lady Janja da Silva. He watched a Planalto Military Command band performance and inspected the Presidential Guard troops. The two leaders held restricted and extended meetingss to discuss measures to strengthen ties between the countries. After the signing ceremony, lunch was offered at the Alvorada Palace. A dinner will be held at the Itamaraty Palace in the evening to round off the official visit. President Xi will depart on Thursday (November 21). This is his second visit to Brazil, the first having occurred in 2014 when he was received by then-President Dilma Rousseff.
HISTORY - The Chinese leader’s visit to Brasília reinforces the success of diplomatic relations between Brazil and China, whose trade flow has grown more than 17 times since President Lula’s first visit to China in 2004. This strategic relationship has proven essential for both countries. The Asian giant continues to be the leading destination for Brazilian agricultural products, with record exports of USD 60.24 billion in 2023, an increase of USD 9.53 billion compared to 2022.
PARTNERSHIP - Among the top ten agricultural products exported by Brazil in 2023, China was the leading destination for eight of them. In addition to soybeans, the list includes corn, sugar, beef, chicken, cellulose, cotton, and fresh pork, contributing to China's food security.
TRADE - In 2023, bilateral trade reached a record of USD 157.5 billion, with an unprecedented Brazilian surplus of USD 51 billion. Brazilian exports totaled USD 104.3 billion, surpassing the combined sales to the United States and the European Union (EU). Since 2009, China has been one of Brazil's most significant foreign investment sources, ranking as the fourth largest destination for Chinese investment abroad. Chinese companies have participated in bids for infrastructure projects and have been partners in ventures such as the construction of hydroelectric plants and railways, which represents job creation, more income, and sustainability for Brazil.
DIVERSIFYING - Brazil hopes to diversify the profile of bilateral cooperation, seeking new areas on the frontier of knowledge, such as artificial intelligence, semiconductors, and renewable energy (combating climate change and transitioning to clean energy, especially wind, solar, and biomass). In addition, there is interest in expanding links between universities through student and researcher exchanges.
LULA IN CHINA - President Lula made his third state visit to China in April 2023. The meeting resulted in Brazil and China's most comprehensive joint declaration to date, covering cooperation in various fields – from economic, trade, food security, and space cooperation to international issues, such as the conflict in Ukraine — demonstrating the multidimensionality of shared interests. During that trip, 15 government acts were signed, and 32 business agreements were announced in fields such as renewable energy, the automotive industry, agribusiness, green credit lines, information technology, health, and infrastructure. Another nine instruments were signed between Brazilian and Chinese states, entities, or companies. In the field of the environment, a joint declaration was adopted to combat climate change.