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President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva attended the inauguration ceremony of Mexico's President-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum on Tuesday, October 1, at the San Lázaro Legislative Palace in Mexico City. Lula visited the country at the invitation of now-former President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Yesterday (September 30), Lula met with Claudia Sheinbaum, the first woman to be chosen as president in Mexico's history. "I believe the world will be surprised by the quality of Mexico's president. She is an extremely politically prepared woman. She is extremely likable. She is a woman who will make women feel proud to join politics," Lula emphasized in an interview with journalists.
"I hope that, with her way of doing politics, she can help make women all over the world realize that it is time for women, who are in the majority in every country in the world, to definitively assume that politics is a woman's thing." – LUIZ INÁCIO LULA DA SILVA, President of the Republic of Brazil
"I hope that, with her way of doing politics, she can help make women all over the world realize that it is time for women, who are in the majority in every country in the world, to definitively embrace that politics is a woman's thing," continued the Brazilian president.
During an official visit, President Lula participates in the opening of the Brazil-Mexico Business Forum
Lula also met with López Obrador on Monday (September 30) to discuss increasing trade affairs with Mexico, the joint fight by both governments against hunger and poverty, the defense of democracy, and cooperation in various areas. Other topics included Latin American integration and the role of both countries in multilateral forums.
Speaking to the press, Lula explained that his visit to Mexico and the meeting were motivated by his gratitude for López Obrador, who welcomed him to Mexico when he was not yet serving his third term as president of Brazil. Lula also pointed out that the trade flow between Brazil and Mexico reached a record 14.11 billion dollars last year, an increase of 14.4% compared to 2022, and that further growth is expected.
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190 YEARS OF RELATIONS — Mexico is Brazil's sixth-largest trading partner and the fifth-leading destination for our exports. In 2024, Brazil and Mexico will celebrate 190 years since establishing diplomatic relations. The countries have the two largest economies and populations in Latin America and the Caribbean.
TRADE — To promote trade between the two countries, Lula met with Mexican entrepreneurs on Tuesday (1) after participating in the Brazil-Mexico Business Forum yesterday. The event was attended by representatives of around 400 companies from both countries. It was organized by Brazil’s National Confederation of Industry (Confederação Nacional da Indústria /CNI); the Mexican Business Council for Foreign Trade (COMCE); the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil); the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministério das Relações Exteriores / MRE); and the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade, and Services (Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria, Comércio e Serviços /MDIC).
At the Forum, President Lula received a Declaration containing proposals and recommendations from the Brazil-Mexico Business Council (Conselho Empresarial Brasil-México /Cebramex). The Declaration lists the priorities of both countries’ private sectors to improve the business environment.
COOPERATION — An agreement was also celebrated among ApexBrasil, Brazil’s National Industrial Confederation (Confederação Nacional das Indústrias (CNI), and COMCE. The memorandum aims to promote cooperation to strengthen commercial relations between Brazil and Mexico and establish the foundations for the organization of trade missions. It also aims to promote trade, generating new business opportunities for both countries.
Another memorandum of agreement was signed between Embraer [Brazil’s Aeronautics Company] and the Mexican Federation of Aerospace Industry to identify and promote opportunities in the aerospace sector.