Multi-Year Plan (PPA) 2024-2027 decree on governmental policies is published
Decree No. 12,066, which regulates Law No. 14,802, of January 10, 2024, establishing the Federal Government's Multi-Year Plan for 2024-2027 (Plano Plurianual - PPA), was published on Wednesday, June 19, in the Federal Official Gazette.
The Multi-Year Plan (Plano Plurianual - PPA), outlined in the 1988 Constitution, is developed every four years, usually during the first year of a president's tenure. It describes the policies, plans, and initiatives of the government.
The document for the period from 2024-2027 was created with unprecedented public participation. Over four million visits and 1.5 million votes were recorded on 8,254 proposals through a dedicated digital platform for citizen engagement. Ministries conducted studies on the top 20 proposals with the highest votes in each area. Ultimately, 76.5% of these proposals were incorporated into the Plan, with 58% fully integrated and 14% partially included.
The PPA 2024-2027 development process included three inter-council forums and 27 regional plenary sessions, with the participation of over 34,000 individuals. During the four years of the PPA, investments are estimated to total BRL 13.3 trillion, including budgetary and non-budgetary resources.
The text is anchored in six priorities and includes 88 programs. The priorities are:
I - Fighting hunger and reducing inequality;
II - Basic education;
III - Health: primary and specialized care;
IV - New Growth Acceleration Program - New PAC;
V - Neoindustrialization, labor, employment, and income;
VI - Fighting deforestation and facing the climate emergency.
SOCIAL PARTICIPATION – According to the text of the Decree, the management of the PPA 2024-2027 provides for implementation, monitoring, evaluation, and revision of the Plan. It observes nine guidelines, including improving the efficiency of public spending, articulation and cooperation to meet program objectives and goals, strengthening dialogue with states and municipalities and social participation. It is up to the General Secretariat of the Presidency to promote the development of mechanisms for social participation, in conjunction with the National Planning Secretariat of the Ministry of Planning and Budget.
MONITORING – The PPA 2024-2027 is monitored every six months in relation to priorities and annually in relation to other points, such as indicators and goals for specific objectives and deliveries.
REVIEW – The review is conducted annually, within 120 days of the annual budget law's publication date. It involves updating programs to align them with the current implementation of public policies.