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Macron's visit to Brazil involved a series of agendas - environmental, political and economic - with appointments in Belém (PA), Itaguaí (RJ), São Paulo (SP) and Brasília (DF) - Credit: Ricardo Stuckert/PR
The relevance of the Strategic Partnership between Brazil and France is measured by the series of agendas - environmental, political and economic - that French President Emmanuel Macron has accomplished on Brazilian territory since his arrival in the country last Tuesday (26). After appointments in Belém (PA), Itaguaí (RJ) and São Paulo (SP) on Wednesday, Macron ends his visit in Brasília, where President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva will receive him at the Planalto Palace on Thursday, March 28.
The reception prepared by the Brazilian Government this Thursday in the capital will begin with the French president arriving at the Praça dos Três Poderes, where he will receive civil honors to the sound of A Chegada dos Candangos, the third movement of Brasília: Sinfonia da Alvorada, by Tom Jobim and Vinícius de Moraes, composed in 1959 to celebrate the inauguration of Brazil's new capital. The song will be performed by the young Maré do Amanhã Orchestra - directly from Complexo da Maré, in Rio de Janeiro - and by the Madrigal de Brasília choir.
The French president will be guided to the Monument to the Candangos, by Bruno Giorgi, and to the Historical Museum of Brasilia, and then the military honors will begin. Macron will review the troops, walking to the Planalto Palace. The military band will perform the national anthems of Brazil and France, and the heads of State will follow the military parade from the top of the Parlatory.
A bilateral meeting between the two leaders, a ceremony to sign acts and another to award honors will take place at the Palace, as well as a joint statement to the press. Lula and the first lady, Janja, will offer lunch to Macron at the Itamaraty Palace.
Maré do Amanhã Orchestra - A social project headquartered in the Maré community in Rio de Janeiro, which teaches classical music to children and teenagers. It receives support from sponsors through the Rouanet Law (a mechanism that allows companies and other entities to direct taxes to projects approved by the Ministry of Culture).
Madrigal de Brasília choir - Founded at the beginning of Brasília's history, in 1960, by maestro Levino de Alcântara. It is part of the Brasília Music School (Escola de Música de Brasília), a public teaching institution under the GDF's Education Department.
Monument to the Candangos - Sculpture by Bruno Giorgi, from 1959, shows two people embracing, symbolizing unity, strength and balance. In the popular imagination, it pays homage to the pioneers who built the monumental capital in the center of the country. The expression "candango", of African origin and used to refer to foreigners, was used to nickname the builders of Brasília, who came from other states.
Brasília - The Pilot Plan (Plano Piloto) was created by urban planner Lúcio Costa, born in the south of France, in Toulon, in 1902. It was at Lúcio Costa's invitation that the Swiss/French Le Corbusier, one of the pioneers of modern architecture, made his second visit to Brazil in 1936.
President Macron's agenda in Brazil:
BELÉM - Macron's first stop in Brazil was Pará, where the French president presented chief Raoni Metuktire, on Combu Island (one of the 39 islands surrounding the capital Belém), with the Award of the National Order of the Legion of Honor. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and various authorities accompanied the tribute, which had great significance for Brazil's indigenous peoples.
Instituted on May 20, 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, the honor is the highest award offered by the French Government and is granted to French citizens and foreigners who stand out for their activities on the global stage. "Mr. Raoni Metuktire, on behalf of the French Republic, consider yourself a Knight of the Legion of Honor," affirmed President Macron, as he presented the commendation to the 92-year-old indigenous leader.
During their visit to Belém, Presidents Lula and Macron adopted two important environmental declarations: the Brazil-France Call for Climate Ambition from Paris to Belém and Beyond; and the Action Plan on the Bioeconomy and the Protection of Tropical Forests.
RIO DE JANEIRO - On Tuesday evening, the two presidents boarded a flight to Rio de Janeiro. On Wednesday morning (27), Lula and Macron took part in the baptism and launching of the submarine "Tonelero" (S42), at the Itaguaí Naval Complex (RJ). The vessel was built entirely in Brazil and integrates the Submarine Development Program (ProSub), the result of the Brazil-France Strategic Partnership, signed in 2008, with a budget of around R$40 billion.
"ProSub is Brazil's biggest and most important international cooperation project in defense matters. It guarantees Brazilian sovereignty on our coast, strengthens the naval industry by generating jobs and income, and promotes the development of the sector with a great deal of innovation," affirmed President Lula during the ceremony.
SÃO PAULO - President Macron continued on Wednesday to São Paulo, where he attended the opening of the Pasteur Institute and the Brazil-France Economic Forum, which had not been held since 2019. The aim of the meeting was to strengthen cooperation in order to increase the volume of Trade Exchange and mutual investment. Geraldo Alckmin, Vice-President and Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Services, accompanied President Macron at the event.
FOREIGN RELATIONS - Franco-Brazilian relations are based on strong historical connections. France was the first European country to recognize Brazilian independence in 1825, establishing important political, cultural and economic links with Brazil. President Lula visited France in June 2023, on the occasion of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact.
France ranks as the third biggest investor in Brazil (as a final controller), with around US$ 38 billion invested. In 2023, the bilateral trade flow reached US$ 8.4 billion, with US$ 2.9 billion in Brazilian exports.