COP 28
Formally official, Belém (PA) and Brazil are preparing for COP 30 in 2025

President Lula during the official opening of the COP: the Amazon's turn to speak for itself - Credit: Ricardo Stuckert/PR
We are going to work in a constructive way, with all the countries, to pave the way between this COP 28 and COP 30, which we will host in the heart of the Amazon." With these words, spoken on December 1, during his speech at the opening session of the COP 28 Presidency in Dubai, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was already anticipating a moment made official this Monday (11/12) by the President of COP 28, Sultan Al Jaber: the confirmation of Belém (PA) as the venue for the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2025. The Sultan also announced Baku, in Azerbaijan, as the city that will host COP 29 in 2024.
It's one thing to discuss the Amazon in Egypt. It's another to discuss the Amazon in Berlin. It's another to discuss the Amazon in Paris. Not now. Let's discuss the importance of the Amazon within the Amazon. The indigenous issue by looking at the indigenous people. The issue of the riverside peoples by looking at the riverside peoples and seeing how they live”
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, President of the Republic
The official confirmation of COP 30 in Brazil crowns the effort of a proposal that President Lula launched back in 2022, after being elected to his third term, and which came concrete on May 26 this year, when the United Nations made it official that Brazil had been indicated to host the climate summit in 2025.
"If everyone was talking about the Amazon, why not make the COP in an Amazonian state, so that they know what it is? The rivers, the forests, the fauna. Get ready. There will be people from all over the world and they will be amazed by the city of Belém," affirmed President Lula on the occasion.
For the president, COP 30 in Brazil will not only expand the focus on the needs of the Amazon, but will also show the forest to the world and present everything the Federal Government has done to protect the biome. It will also allow foreign nations to get to know how the people who inhabit the region live.
"It's one thing to discuss the Amazon in Egypt. It's another to discuss the Amazon in Berlin. It's another to discuss the Amazon in Paris. Not now. Let's discuss the importance of the Amazon within the Amazon. The indigenous issue by looking at the indigenous people. The issue of the riverside peoples by looking at the riverside peoples and seeing how they live," stated the president in June, during the Conversation with the President (Conversa com o Presidente) program.
DIALOGUES - This year, Brazil has already held the Amazon Dialogues, also in the capital of Pará. On that occasion, all the countries that are home to the forest (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela) were invited to discuss the challenges of preserving and caring for the biome. Representatives from Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia, other countries with extensive tropical forests, were also invited, so that the nations could establish dialogues and consensus on what needs to be debated in international forums around the theme.
"When we talk about preservation, one thing we have to preserve is the 50 million people who live in the Amazon in South America - people who want to live in dignity; who want to eat, have coffee, lunch, dinner; who want to go for a walk; who want to dress up. We have to take care of all of this, because it means guaranteeing the environment. We mustn't forget that, in order to take care of the environment, we have to start by taking care of the poor people who live in these regions," emphasized.
Nobody on the planet today can discuss the climate issue without taking into account the existence of our country, without taking into account our experience, and without taking into account what is going to happen in Brazil on this issue of the energy transition”
SCOPE - In conversations with Brazilian journalists on December 5, before leaving Dubai for a visit to Germany, Lula made it clear that COP 30 will not have the pomp of the Expo City Dubai installations, the venue for the event in the United Arab Emirates, but that the country will make every effort to present to the world an unforgettable event.
"We are coming out of an international meeting that every year gains more scope, more responsibility, more representativeness. Nobody on the planet today can discuss the climate issue without taking into account the existence of our country, without taking into account our experience, and without taking into account what is going to happen in Brazil on this issue of the energy transition," he affirmed.
PREPARATION - Since the middle of the year, the Planalto has been working together with the Government of Pará and Belém City Hall to prepare the city. The Federal Government has begun a schedule of concessions and partnerships to help transform Belém into a host city capable of hosting the United Nations Climate Change Conference.
Among the measures already confirmed, in August the governor of Pará, Helder Barbalho, and Minister Esther Dweck (Management and Innovation in Public Services) signed the contract for the cession of the Protásio de Oliveira Airport for the implementation of the COP 30 headquarters. Helder Barbalho also signed the service order to start work on Porto Futuro II, a structure aimed at economic activities linked to culture and tourism in Pará.