Brazil is once again reconciling economic growth with social inclusion, says Lula

Lula said that Brazil is entering a new phase - Credit: PR/Ricardo Stuckert
Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva met today (10) with ministers to assess the first 100 days of his government. Lula highlighted investments and social programs that have been resumed in these first three months; reiterated his commitment to governing for all, making the poorest a priority; and stated that Brazil now has a government that is committed to taking care of its people and looking ahead.
"Brazil is once again reconciling economic growth with social inclusion. Rebuilding what was destroyed and moving forward. Brazil is once again a country without hunger. While preparing the ground for infrastructure work that was abandoned or ignored by the previous government, Brazil is again taking care of health, education, science and technology, culture, housing and public safety", declared Lula.
During the meeting at Brasilia’s Planalto Palace, the president said that Brazil is entering a new phase – one that is focused on social inclusion, within a democratic environment, respecting people and institutions, with harmony between powers and state entities, and looking to the future.
"Looking to the future means investing in highways, railways, ports, airports, energy generation and transmission, connectivity, pre-salt expansion, and solar and wind energy, among other initiatives that will put Brazil back on the path of development. Above all, however, it means looking out for people".
Brazil is once again reconciling economic growth with social inclusion. Rebuilding what was destroyed and moving forward. Brazil is once again a country without hunger. While preparing the ground for infrastructure work that was abandoned or ignored by the previous government, Brazil is again taking care of health, education, science and technology, culture, housing and public safety
Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Whilst reiterating his fight against hunger and towards social protection for the poor, Lula added that the government is also paying attention to job generation – in his own words, his second obsession. The president also stated that, from now on, his ministers will work to resume development in Brazil.
"We’ve regained our capacity for long-term planning - and this will become a great program that gives back to the public sector its role as inducer of strategic investments in infrastructure. These were 100 days of hard work. We’ve another 1,360 to rebuild Brazil, and we’re well on our way", said Lula.
Concerning infrastructure, there will be six lines of action: transport, social infrastructure, digital inclusion and connectivity, urban infrastructure, water for all, and energy transition. In education, digital inclusion and connectivity will reach schools and help reverse delays brought about by Covid-19.
"Our children and young people are going to make up for the time they lost in the pandemic. Alongside states and municipalities, we’re going to develop policies to overcome any gaps in education, as well as school evasion and dropout. Full-time school, from kindergarten to high school, will be scaled up. We’ll expand vacancies in universities. We’ll resume our National Student Assistance Program (Programa Nacional de Assistência Estudantil) to ensure poorer students remain in higher education", he said.
As for health, Lula announced the resumption of Farmácia Popular and the implementation of a multidisciplinary care network. “We will resume Aqui Tem Farmácia Popular, guaranteeing free medication for the population, and we’ll implement a multidisciplinary specialized medical care network which is closer to users who need consultations, exams and surgeries, with shorter waiting times,” said Lula.
THE ENVIRONMENT - The president also highlighted how important the environment and fighting climate change are to his government. The goal is to make Brazil one of the main players in the global transition towards a green economy. “We will not miss the opportunity to become a in green hydrogen global powerhouse,” declared Lula.
"Brazil will once again become a world reference in sustainability and in the response to climate change - and will meet carbon and zero deforestation goals. Deforestation will be fought in all Brazilian biomes. The shift to a low-carbon economy will be treated as the country's development strategy", he continued.
Regarding security, Lula promised to act firmly against organized crime and against violence against women. “We’ll strengthen the fields of police investigation and technological intelligence - and we’ll value security professionals through programs such as Bolsa Formação. Taking care of people is also ensuring their safety, especially those who suffer most from violence,” he said.
Throughout his speech, President Lula also mentioned that the government is working to ensure greater access to culture, sport and leisure, in an efficient tax reform model, in strengthening the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (Sistema Nacional de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação) and in resuming investments in research for renewable fuels at Petrobras.