Seminário da Astronomia do ON: Spatially resolved gas dynamics and excitation in AGN hosts
Na quinta-feira, dia 10 de agosto, a Coordenação de Astronomia e Astrofísica (COAST) do Observatório Nacional (ON/MCTI) realizará uma nova edição de seu seminário.
O evento presencial acontecerá, excepcionalmente, às 13h (horário de Brasília) e terá transmissão ao vivo por meio do Canal do ON no YouTube. O tema será “Spatially resolved gas dynamics and excitation in AGN hosts”
Para falar sobre o assunto, foi convidada a pesquisadora Marina Bianchin, da Universidade da Califórnia, Irvine, nos Estados Unidos.
Título: Spatially resolved gas dynamics and excitation in AGN hosts
Resumo: Active supermassive black holes can influence the fate of their host galaxies. Gas outflows, frequently triggered by the radiation pressure from the accretion disk, can disturb the kinematics of the gas at different scales, from a few tens to tens of thousands of parsecs. In recent years, AGN-driven outflows have been studied across different wavelength domains. From the optical to the mid-infrared, integral field spectroscopy observations have provided insights into the extent and kinematics of the multiphase outflowing gas, including the classical optical hydrogen recombination and atomic transitions, warm (~700 K) and hot (~2000 K) molecular hydrogen, and high ionization coronal lines. In this talk, I will present results from multiple works that analyze gas kinematics and excitation, and dust properties, at tens to hundreds of parsecs at the nuclear region of active galaxies. In particular, the AGNIFS sample, the Quasar Feedback Survey, and the early release science program on JWST to observe (Ultra-) Luminous Infrared Galaxies within the GOALS sample. Within the GOALS sample, I will discuss the new results from NIRSpec observations where a possible self-regulating feeding/feedback is observed.
Link para live no YouTube:
Durante este ano, os seminários da COAST estão acontecendo de forma presencial, híbrida ou remota – pelo canal do ON no YouTube.
Para mais informações:
As edições anteriores estão disponíveis na playlist.