Seminário da Astronomia do ON fala sobre pequenos corpos distantes do sistema solar

Na quinta-feira, dia 14 de setembro, a Coordenação de Astronomia e Astrofísica (COAST) do Observatório Nacional (ON/MCTI) realizará uma nova edição de seu seminário.
O evento virtual acontecerá às 14h (horário de Brasília) e terá transmissão ao vivo por meio do Canal do ON no YouTube. O tema será “A new era for distant solar system small bodies”.
Para falar sobre o assunto, foi convidado o pesquisador Pedro Bernardinelli, da Universidade de Washington.
Título: A new era for distant solar system small bodies
Resumo: The trans-Neptunian region is a reservoir of small bodies in the distant Solar System, with about 4000 members currently known. Remnants from planetary formation, the orbits, sizes, surface colors and shapes of these planetesimals trace the planetary formation process and the dynamical history of our Solar System. I will present results from a search conducted on the Dark Energy Survey (DES) data, with the 800+ objects found in this survey composing the largest catalog of trans-Neptunian colors and light curve amplitudes to date, as well as preliminary results from the DECam Ecliptic Exploration Project (DEEP), a project that aims to find on the order of 5000 objects in this region. I will contextualize the observed properties of these two samples with our understanding of the outer Solar System, the existence (or not) of a massive, distant planet in our Solar System, models of Neptune's migration into its current orbit, and explore the relationship between dynamics, colors, light curve amplitudes and size distributions for this population. I will conclude by discussing the upcoming Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time, expected to increase the number of known trans-Neptunian objects by a factor of 10.
Link para live no YouTube:
Durante este ano, os seminários da COAST estão acontecendo de forma presencial, híbrida ou remota – pelo canal do ON no YouTube.
Para mais informações:
As edições anteriores estão disponíveis na playlist.