Seminário da Astronomia do ON fala sobre o ‘Universo Escuro’
Na quinta-feira, dia 1º de junho, a Coordenação de Astronomia e Astrofísica (COAST) do Observatório Nacional (ON/MCTI) realizará uma nova edição de seu seminário.
O evento virtual acontecerá às 14h (horário de Brasília) e terá transmissão ao vivo por meio do Canal do ON no YouTube. O tema será “Elucidating the Dark Universe using Large-Scale Structure” (“Elucidando o Universo Escuro usando Estrutura em Grande Escala”, em português).
Para falar sobre o assunto, foi convidado o pesquisador Johannes U. Lange, pós-doutorando do Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics da Universidade de Michigan, EUA
Título: Elucidating the Dark Universe using Large-Scale Structure
Resumo: The canonical picture of cosmology, the Lambda Cold Dark Matter (LCDM) model, has been remarkably successful in explaining a large variety of different observations. However, apparent tensions in this standard model have started to appear in recent years and spark interest in alternative cosmological models. Cosmic structure growth, as probed by Universe's large-scale structure (LSS), is one of the most sensitive probes of dark energy and physics beyond LCDM. First, I will summarize recent results from LSS surveys analyzing weak gravitational lensing, focusing on the possibility of a cosmological growth-of-structure tension. Interestingly, other independent probes of the LSS in the late Universe, such as redshift-space distortions and galaxy cluster counts, further corroborate the existence of such a tension in our standard model of cosmology. I will present ongoing efforts to maximize the information content we can extract from LSS probes and increase their robustness. These efforts include the joint analysis of spatially overlapping surveys targeting the extra-galactic sky across multiple wavelengths and full-scale studies that include information from non-linear scales. Finally, I will give an outlook on what to expect in the near future from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument.
Link para live no YouTube:
Durante este ano, os seminários da COAST estão acontecendo de forma presencial, híbrida ou remota – pelo canal do ON no YouTube.
Para mais informações:
As edições anteriores estão disponíveis na PLAYLIST - Seminários e Colóquios 2022