Seminário da Astronomia do ON fala sobre Astronomia no BRICS

Excepcionalmente nesta terça-feira, dia 19 de setembro, a Coordenação de Astronomia e Astrofísica (COAST) do Observatório Nacional (ON/MCTI) realizará uma nova edição de seu seminário.
O evento presencial acontecerá às 14h (horário de Brasília) no auditório da Divisão de Serviços da Hora Legal Brasileira do Observatório Nacional (DISHO/ON). O tema será “BRICS Astronomy: Bridging Science, Society, and the Universe”.
Para falar sobre o assunto, foi convidada Duduzile Kubheka, coordenadora de projeto da área de Astronomia do BRICS e pesquisadora do Observatório Astronômico da África do Sul (SAAO)
Título: BRICS Astronomy: Bridging Science, Society, and the Universe
Resumo: The BRICS Astronomy Consortium has established a solid foundation and has shown significant progress over the years. In 2021, the consortium successfully secured seed funding to work on its flagship project, the BRICS Intelligent Telescope and Data Network (BITDN) Project. This flagship program is the result of merging proposals related to astrophysical transients, survey science, and time domain astronomy, which were presented and discussed during the October 2019 BAWG meeting. The ongoing program encompasses various aspects, including astrophysical transients, survey science, and the development of necessary big data and computing infrastructure. It involves harnessing and enhancing existing and new facilities in all five BRICS countries to support these initiatives. Crucially, this program strongly aligns with the objective of human capacity development within BRICS and promotes scientific collaboration in the forefront of astronomy among scientists from all BRICS countries and beyond. The presentation aims to engage the community in discussions about BRICS Astronomy, highlighting developments, societal benefit activities, and future opportunities for growth and collaboration.
Durante este ano, os seminários da COAST estão acontecendo de forma presencial, híbrida ou remota – pelo canal do ON no YouTube.
Para mais informações:
As edições anteriores estão disponíveis na playlist.