Ter (26/11) | Qua (27/11) | Qui (28/11) | Sex (29/11) | |
09:00 | Alexis Finogenov | Arjun Berera | David Nesvorny | Arjun Berera |
10:15 | intervalo | intervalo | intervalo | intervalo |
10:45 | Arjun Berera | David Nesvorny | Alexis Finogenov | David Nesvorny |
12:00 | almoço | almoço | Livre | almoço |
14:00 | David Nesvorny | Alexis Finogenov | - | |
15:15 | intervalo | intervalo | intervalo | |
15:45 | Alexis Finogenov | Arjun Berera | - | |
17:00 | Recepção |
Arjun Berera: Early Universe Cosmology
- 26/11: The Early Universe - observing and explaining it
- 27/11: Particle cosmology of the Big Bang model
- 27/11: Inflationary cosmology and observational evidence related to it
- 29/11: Warm inflation
Alexis Finoguenov: High Energy Astrophysics
- 26/11: High energy radiation processes
- 26/11: Astrophysical sources of high energy radiation
- 27/11: High energy observatories
- 28/11: Groups and clusters of galaxies in X-rays
David Nesvorny: The NEO population: Dynamics & observations
- 26/11: -
- 27/11: -
- 28/11: -
- 29/11: -