Since 1996, the Graduate Program of the National Observatory has been organizing advanced courses in astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology called "Special Course Cycles" (CCE). The courses are held annually at the ON's headquarters, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, and in each Cycle current topics from three or four different areas of astronomy are focused. This feature is unique in this type of events in Brazil, since similar events are held with a smaller periodicity and are usually dedicated to a single topic.
The CCE is usually composed of three or four courses, always taught by internationally renowned researchers with recognized didactic competence. The duration of the event is one week, and each course has a workload of approximately 8 hours.
The CCE's expenses are mostly financed through resources from the budget of the National Observatory, the Graduate Support Program - PROAP/CAPES and the Event Support Program - PAEP/CAPES.
Although the main target audience is graduate students, the event also allows for an update of ON researchers, as well as favors an increase in scientific cooperation. In addition, every year a greater number of students from other Brazilian and Latin American institutes have participated in the courses, making the ON a pole of attraction for astronomy students and researchers from all over Brazil and South America.
6 a 10 de novembro de 2023
- Raffaella Morganti (The Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy - ASTRON)
Título: "Active galactic nuclei at radio wavelengths: properties, life and impact" - Carlos J. A. P. Martins (Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto)
Título: "Phi in the Sky: Astrophysical probes of fundamental physics" - Cristina Chiappini (Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam - AIP)
Título: "Galactic Archaeology in the Gaia era" - Noemi Pinilla-Alonso (University of Central Florida)
Título: "Ices in the Solar System as revealed by James Webb Space Telescope"
Comissão organizadora: Alberto Ardila, Armando Bernui, Jorge Carvano, Marcelo Borges Fernandes, Ricardo Ogando, Rodrigo Gonçalves
CCE Edição Especial
7 a 9 de novembro de 2022
- eROSITA: Insights on the hot and energetic Universe
Mara Salvato (Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Alemanha) - J-PAS: The Universe in 56 colors
Silvia Bonoli (DIPC/IKERBASQUE, Espanha) - GMT: The Giant Magellan Telescope
Rebecca Bernstein (The Carnegie Institution for Science, EUA) - The Extremely Large Telescope and the ANDES spectrograph
Roberto Maiolino (University of Cambridge, Reino Unido) - Physics of extreme massive stars (POEMS) - new challenges to stellar evolution
Michaela Kraus (Astronomical Institute/Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Tchéquia) - Rubin Observatory's LSST: The Greatest Movie of All Time
Željko Ivezić (University of Washington, EUA) - The PLATO Mission
Heike Rauer (German Aerospace Center, DLR, Alemanha)
Comissão organizadora: Daniela Lazzaro, Fernando Roig, Jailson Alcaniz, Renato Dupke, Simone Daflon
CCE Virtual
24 a 27 de novembro de 2020
- The exoplanet revolution.
Dr. Didier Queloz (Cavendish Laboratory, Reino Unido / University of Geneva, Suíça) - Prêmio Nobel 2019 - SRG Orbital X-Ray Observatory with eRosita and ART-XC telescopes: X-ray maps of the whole sky. Some results of the first all-sky survey and plans for the future.
Dr. Rashid Sunyaev (Max Planck Inst. for Astrophysics, Alemanha / Space Research Inst., Rússia) - Going Non-Linear: Contrasting LCDM with observations of the internal properties of galaxies.
Dr. Julio F. Navarro (University of Victoria, Canadá) - Molecules from clouds to disks and planets.
Dr. Ewine F. van Dishoeck (Leiden University, Holanda / Presidente da IAU)
Comissão organizadora: Daniela Lazzaro, Jaílson Alcaniz, Jorge M. Carvano, Marcelo Borges Fernandes, Renato Dupke, Simone Daflon
30 de setembro a 4 de outubro de 2019
- Optical interferometry and stellar physics
Dr. Denis Mourard (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, França) - Studying the leftovers of planet formation: the asteroids and comets
Dr. Joseph Masiero (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, EUA) - Cosmic acceleration
Dr. Martin Kunz (Université de Genève, Suíça) - The Physical Properties of Active Galactic Nuclei and their Role in Galaxy Evolution
Dr. Steve Kraemer (Catholic University of America, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Jaílson Alcaniz, Jorge M. Carvano, Julio Camargo, Marcelo Borges Fernandes, Renato Dupke
14 a 17 de agosto de 2018
- The physics behind stellar spectroscopy and practical applications
Dr. C. Allende Prieto (Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, Espanha) - Topics of Cosmology
Dr. C. Dvorkin (Harvard University, EUA) - X-ray Astronomy
Dr. J. Irwin (University of Alabama, EUA) - Polarimetry of Solar System Objects
Dr. R. Gil-Hutton (Universidad Nacional de San Juan e CONICET, Argentina)
Comissão organizadora: Jorge M. Carvano, Simone Daflon, Camila Novaes, Renato Dupke, Alvaro Alvarez-Candal
21 a 24 de agosto de 2017
- Statistical Properties of Exoplanets from Radial Velocities
Paul Butler (Carnegie Institute of Washington, EUA) - Observing the Formation and Evolution of Galaxies over 13 Billion Years
Christopher Conselice (University of Nottingham, Reino Unido) - Impacts in the Solar System
Patrick Michel (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, França) - The Theory and Application of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations
Nikhil Padmanabhan (Yale University, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Jorge M. Carvano, Luan Ghezzi, Micol Benetti, Simone Daflon, Yolanda Jimenez-Teja
26 a 29 de setembro de 2016
- Computational Cosmology: Simulating Cosmic Structures
August Evrard (University of Michigan, EUA) - Comets: Origin, Evolution and Interrelations
Julio Fernández (University of the Republic, Uruguai) - Advanced stellar evolution: basic properties, nucleosynthesis, and final fates
Paola Marigo (University of Padova, Itália)
Comissão organizadora: Jailson Alcaniz, Jorge M Carvano, Katia Cunha, Renato Dupke
5 a 9 de outubro de 2015
- Planets and exoplanets: evolution, diversity
Prof. Jean-Pierre Bibring (Université Paris-Sud 11 & Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, França) - The Local Group as the Rosetta Stone for Galaxy formation and evolution
Prof. Gerry Gilmore (University of Cambridge, Reino Unido) - Probing the Acceleration of the Universe
Prof. Alan Heavens (Imperial College London, Reino Unido) - Cosmic Dawn: How the Universe's Lights Went On
Prof. Piero Madau (University of California, Santa Cruz, EUA)
Palestra Especial
- Titan surface: results of the Cassini-Huygen mission
Profa. Rosaly M. C. Lopes (NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Daniela Lazzaro, Jailson Alcaniz, José Eduardo Telles e Katia Cunha
3 a 7 de novembro de 2014
- Thermal Observations of Small Bodies
Josh Emery (University of Tennessee, EUA) - Chemo-dynamical Evolution of Galaxies
Prof. Gerhard Hensler (University of Vienna, Áustria) - The make-up of stars
Martin Asplund (Australian National University, Austrália) - Deep Galaxy Surveys, Initial Phases of Galaxy Evolution
Prof. Olivier LeFèvre (Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, França) - Relativistic Cosmology of the Accelerating Universe
Prof. Roy Maartens (University of the Western Cape, Reino Unido/África do Sul)
Comissão organizadora: Alvaro Alvarez-Canda, Armando Bernui, Roderik Overzier, Simone Daflon
21 a 25 de outubro de 2013
- Cosmology and Astrophysics with Galaxy Clusters
Daisuke Nagai (University of Yale, EUA) - Historical Aspects of post-1850 Astronomy and Cosmology
Helge Kragh (Aarhus University, Dinamarca) - The make-up of stars
Martin Asplund (Australian National University, Austrália) - Planetary Geology
Rosaly Lopes (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Simone Daflon, Jailson Alcaniz, Renato Dupke, Marcelo Borges, Alvaro Alvarez-Candal
5 a 9 de novembro de 2012
- An Introduction to Astrobiology
Edwin A. Bergin Jr. (University of Michigan, EUA) - Science with the EELT
Piercarlo Bonifacio (Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, França) - Cosmology
George F. R. Ellis (University of Cape Town, África do Sul) - Instruments On Board of Space Missions
Marcello Fulchignoni (Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, França)
Comissão organizadora: Cláudio Bastos Pereira, Fernando Roig, Jailson Alcaniz, Simone Daflon, Ramiro de la Reza
7 a 11 de novembro de 2011
- A Low-Redshift Perspective on Galaxies
Michael Merrifield (University of Nottingham, Reino Unido) - Planetary nebulae as probes of galactic evolution and populations
Letizia Stanghellini (NOAO, EUA) - The early phases of galaxy formation and evolution
Mark E. Dickinson (NOAO, EUA) - Asteroids shapes and rotation from photometric models
Mikko Kaasalainen (Tampere University of Technology, Finlândia)
Comissão organizadora: Carolina Chavero, Jorge Carvano, Kátia Cunha, Marcelo Borges Fernandes, Renato Dupke
18 a 22 de outubro de 2010
- Clusters of Galaxies and Cosmology
Stefano Ettori (INAF Observatorio Astronomico di Bologna, Itália) - Mineralogy of Asteroids
Michael Gaffey (University of North Dakota, EUA) - Low and Intermediate Mass Star Evolution
Roberto Gallino (Universita' di Torino, Itália) - Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium
Mark Krumholz (University of California, Santa Cruz, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Daniela Lazzaro, Eduardo Telles, Renato Dupke
16 a 19 de novembro de 2009
- Cosmology of the Very Early Universe
Robert Brandenberger (McGill University, Canadá) - Theory and Modeling of Stellar Atmospheres
Ivan Hubeny (Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, EUA) - Stellar and Intermediate-Mass Black Holes in the Milky Way and Nearby Galaxies
Jimmy A. Irwin (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Jailson Alcaniz, Ramiro de la Reza, Renato Dupke, Simone Daflon
27 a 31 de outubro de 2008
- Orbit Mechanics of and about Asteroids
Daniel J. Scheeres (University of Colorado at Boulder, EUA) - Astrostatistics
Eric D. Feigelson (Pennsylvania State University, EUA) - Galaxies Formation and Evolution
Joel R. Primack (University of California Santa Cruz, EUA) - Planet Formation
Philip J. Armitage (University of Colorado at Boulder, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Dalton Lopes, Fernando Roig, Ramiro de la Reza, Vladimir Ortega
1 a 5 de outubro de 2007
- Astrophysics of Binary Stars
Alain Jorissen (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bélgica) - Galaxy formation from a Local Perspective
Timothy Beers (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, MST, EUA) - Lectures on Dark Energy and Cosmic Acceleration
Joshua Frieman (Fermilab Center for Particle Astrophysics, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Eduardo Telles, Jailson Alcaniz, Paulo Pellegrini, Simone Daflon
16 a 20 de outubro de 2006
- Titan's exotic and evolving atmosphere: A curious cousin of Earth's
Caitlin Griffith (University of Arizona, EUA) - Putting Together the Standard Cosmological Model
James Bartlett (Astroparticule, Université Paris 7, França) - Some Current Problems in the Evolution of Low-Mass Stars
Márcio Catelan (Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile) - Cosmochemistry
Verne Smith (NOAO, Gemini Science Center, Chile)
Comissão organizadora: Dalton Lopes, Fernando Roig, Jailson Alcaniz, Ramiro de la Reza
26 a 30 de setembro de 2005
- Making Sense Out of the Universe
Thanu Padmanabhan (IUCAA, Índia) - Abundances in Globular Cluster Stars
Raffaele Gratton (Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Itália) - Disks, dust, and protoplanets: a dynamical view
Pawel Artymowicz (Univ. of Toronto at Scarborough, Canadá) - The Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies
Evan Skillman (University of Minnesota, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Eduardo Telles, Jailson Alcaniz, Simone Daflon
25 a 29 de outubro de 2004
- Planetary Nebulae as Astrophysical Laboratories
Mike Barlow (University College London, Reino Unido) - Radiative Transfer and Mass Loss in Hot Luminous Stars
John Hillier (University of Pittsburgh, EUA) - Stellar Populations in the Local Group and Implications for Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Rosemary Wyse (John Hopkins University, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Claudio Bastos, Fernando Roig, Katia Cunha, Vladimir Ortega
18 a 22 de agosto de 2003
- Physical Properties of Kuiper Belt Objects
Hermann Boehnhardt (Max Plank Inst. for Astronomy, Alemanha) - The Birth and Death of Stars
Nicholas Suntzeff (Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory, Chile) - Topics in Extragalactic Astronomy
Chris Impey (University of Arizona, EUA) - Star Formation and the Interstellar Medium
Guillermo Tenorio Tagle (INAOEP, México)
Comissão organizadora: Daniela Lazzaro, Eduardo Telles, Katia Cunha
15 a 19 de julho de 2002
- Primordial Alchemy: From the Big Bang to the Present Universe
Gary Steigman (Ohio State University, EUA) - Evolution of Stars in Galaxies
George Meynet (Geneva Observatory, Suíça) - Planetary Formation
Alan Boss (Carnegie Institution of Washington, EUA) - Modern Instrumentation in Spectroscopy
Luca Pasquini & Bernard Delabre (ESO, Alemanha)
Comissão organizadora: Cláudio Bastos, Eduardo Telles, Ramiro de la Reza
9 a 13 de julho de 2001
- The Formation of Massive Stars
Claus Leitherer (Space Science Telescope Institute, EUA) - Small Bodies in the Solar System: Living in the Kingdom of Chaos
Alessandro Morbidelli (Observatorie de la Cote D'Azur, França) - Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way (Galaxy)
Francesca Matteucci (Università di Trieste, Itália) - Galaxy Formation and Cosmology: Recent Progress
Richard Ellis (CALTECH, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Cláudio Bastos, Daniela Lazzaro, Ramiro de la Reza
26 a 30 de junho de 2000
- Cosmology from Observations of the Low Redshift Universe
Brent Tully (University of Hawaii, EUA) - Infrared Studies of Comets and Asteroids
Humberto Campins (University of Arizona, EUA) - Protostellar and Pre-Main-Sequence Evolution
Francesco Palla (Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Itália) - The Structure and Evolution of the Milky Way
Steven Majewsky (University of Virginia, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Daniela Lazzaro, Jucira Penna, Ramiro de la Reza
7 a 11 de junho de 1999
- Galactic and Extragalactic Interstellar Medium
Rene Walterbos (New Mexico State University, EUA) - Modern Approaches on Fundamental Astronomy
François Mignard (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, França) - High Angular Resolution on Astrophysics
Farrokh Vakili (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, França) - Galaxy Formation in the Universe
George Blumenthal (Lick Observatory, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Eduardo Telles, Paulo Pellegrini, Reinaldo de Carvalho, Roberto Martins, Vladimir Ortega
1 a 5 de junho de 1998
- Asteroids: Formation, Evolution and Interactions
Vincenzo Zappalà (Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino, Itália) - The Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Halo
Christopher Sneden (University of Texas, EUA) - The Formation and Evolution of our Galaxy
John Norris (Mt. Stromlo & Siding Spring Observatory, Austrália) - Surveys of Galaxy Structures and Evolution
Matthew Colless (Mt. Stromlo & Siding Spring Observatory, Austrália)
Comissão organizadora: Daniela Lazzaro, Paulo Pellegrini, Vladimir Ortega
20 a 24 de outubro de 1997
- Formation of the Solar System
Bruno Sicardy (Obs. de Meudon & Université Paris 7, França) - Mass Loss and Stellar Evolution
Henry Lamers (SRON Lab. for Space Research, Holanda) - Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies
Roberto Saglia (Universitats-Sternwarte München, Alemanha) - Modern Determination of Cosmological Parameters
Jens Villumsen (Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Alemanha)
Comissão organizadora: Cláudia Angeli, Cláudio Bastos, Paulo Pellegrini
25 a 29 de novembro de 1996
9 a 12 de dezembro de 1996
- Cometas: Origem e Evolução Dinâmica
Julio Fernandez (Faculdad de Ciencias, Uruguai) - The Milky Way and its Satellites
Gerry Gilmore (University of Cambridge, Reino Unido) - Clusters of Galaxies
Michael West (Saint Mary's University, Canadá) - A Modern View of Normal Galaxies
Reynier Peletier (Kapteyn Institute, Holanda) - The Origins of the Elements
David Lambert (University of Texas, EUA)
Comissão organizadora: Katia Cunha, Paulo Pellegrini, Silvia Lorenz