Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics with Applications in R Language
--- Elective Course; 3 credits ---
The most diverse areas of knowledge experience an accelerated automation process, with a consequent increase in the amount of data obtained and stored. Thereby, statistical and computational analyses are consolidated as fundamental resources in current scientific research. In Geophysics, this scenario is no different. Today, areas such as seismic, geomagnetism, gravimetry, petrophysics, geothermal, seismology, or paleomagnetism have large volumes of information that need to be analyzed statistically. Thus, this course presents the fundamentals necessary for Probability and Statistics together with the R programming language, which is suitable for statistics and configures a useful articulation for the scientific challenges in today's world.
1- Introduction to Statistics: basic concepts
2- Presentation of the R language
3- Statistical representations, position and dispersion measures
4- Statistical probability distributions
5- Sampling and parameter estimation
6- Hypothesis tests
7- Inference
8- Regression and correlation
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