관광 또는 상용 비자 (VIVIS)
방문비자 VIVIS (관광 또는 상용 목적)
*매달 말일은 비자 접수 불가능합니다*
I. 관광 / Visit (Tourism)
II. 상용 / Business
*브라질에 관광 혹은 상용 목적으로 방문하는 대한민국 국적자에게 90일 동안 비자가 면제됩니다*
국가별 비자 필요 여부는 '국가 리스트'에서 확인 가능합니다.
If you are not a citizen of the Republic of Korea, please check if you need a tourist/business visa to Brazil in the List of Countries.
1) One print-out of the Visa Application/Protocol Form (https://formulario-mre.serpro.gov.br/sci/pages/web/pacomPasesWebInicial.jsf), per applicant, duly signed by the applicant.* Don't forget to upload your photo and signature, as well as other relevant documents, in the end of filling the application form.
Only JPG/JPEG, GIF and PNG files are accepted, with minimum dimensions of 431x531 pixels for photo and 420x240 pixels for signature. The file shall not have more than 300KB.
* Attention: When you access the above site, you may get the message "untrusted connection". This is because the security certificate issued may not have been yet recognized by your browser. Choose the option to continue with the untrusted certificate. It is safe.
* You must complete the entire application online before you are able to print out the form with your individual protocol number.
2) Passport with a minimum remaining validity of six months and with at least 2 adjacent blank visa pages available for the visa stamp (excluding the pages reserved for Amendments and Endorsements).
3) One recent 3cmX4cm or 5x7cm photograph of applicant, front view and showing entire face, in white background. Snapshots, computer pictures and picture photocopies are not accepted.
4) Police check valid for up to 3 months from the date of issue. Please note that if the applicant has lived in other countries within the last 12 months, a police check from each country of residence must be provided. They must also be officially translated, if necessary, into Portuguese or Korean or English or Spanish or French;
5) Original full birth certificate – In the absence of the full birth certificate, the applicant may submit another official document that contains parents’ full names (Officially translated, if necessary, into Portuguese or Korean or English or Spanish or French;
6) Copy of the return ticket
- Booking confirmation (paid ticket or e-ticket) containing the applicant’s name and complete travel information (itinerary, flight numbers, arrival/departure dates);
7) Hotel reservation or invitation letter, in case of staying at parents or friends house;
8) Proof of sufficient financial means, compatible with the entire stay in Brazil – At least one of the following documents must be submitted:
- Bank statements containing the account’s holder’s name, current balance and transactions from the last 3 months; and/or
- International credit card statements containing the card holder’s name, available credit limit and transactions from the last 3 months; and/or
- The last 3 payslips or employment contract or company's/institution's letter attesting to the existence of a current work relation (original, officially translated, if necessary, into Portuguese or Korean or English or Spanish or French)
The applicant must have approximately US$ 150.00 per day available to cover expenses.
9) Proof of regular immigration status in South Korea
- Alien Registration Card (please note that B1/B2 or G1 visas and with less than 1 year residence in Korea cannot apply)
10) Certificate of Entry & Exit (출입국에 관한 사실증명)
Upon submission of the form and documents to the Consular Section, you will be requested to make a deposit to the Consular Section's banking account.
Return to the Consular Section with the deposit receipt.
- the Embassy receives visa applications by appointment only (https://forms.gle/X5bFvMGbiNZ1XR2q8)
- the documents should be submitted in person or through one of the registered agencies
***The requirements listed above are not all-inclusive. When processing a visa submission, the Consular Officers may request additional information and/or documentation.
***After submission of the form and documents, an interview with the Consular Authority will be scheduled. Only after the interview the visa would be granted.
1. 신청서 1장 https://formulario-mre.serpro.gov.br 작성 후 영수증 출력
2. 외국인 등록증(대한민국 거주자)
3. 여권 원본(유효기간 6개월 이상) & 사본 1장
4. 사진 1장 (3X4, 바탕 흰색, 최근 6개월, 위 1번 신청서 영수증 부착용)
5. 왕복 항공권 또는 항공 여정표
6. 출입국에 관한 사실증명 (CERTIFICATE OF ENTRY & EXIT)
7. 다음의 내용을 포함한 영문 출장 증명서
대한민국 소재 고용업체나 후원업체 공식 로고 및 상사의 서명이 포함된 공식 서한 (입양 제외):
- 한국 기업 소개;
- 한국 기업 내의 신청자 직위 및 담당분야와 브라질에서 수행할 상세적인 업무;
- 상대 브라질 기업 명칭 및 주소;
- 브라질 기업 담당 직원 전화번호 및 브라질 기업내의 직위;
- 예상 브라질 체류 기간;
- 브라질 체류 기간 및 귀국에 대한 한국 기업의 책임.
* 촬영 혹은 브라질 국적 유아 입양시 아래 서류 구비 요망:
• 상업용 촬영 시 문화부(Agência Nacional do Cinema: http://www.ancine.gov.br/)의 사전 승인서와 사업을
총괄하는 대한민국 미디어 업체의 서신
• 인디오 보호구역 또는 자연 보호구역 취재 또는 촬영 시, 브라질 당국의 사전 승인서
• 브라질 국적의 유아 입양 시, 관련 서류 구비 ( consular.seul@itamaraty.gov.br로 문의)
대리 접수 안내
1) 여행사 보기
비자 신청 접수 - 예약제 : 9:00 am - 11:30 am 예약 신청: https://forms.gle/X5bFvMGbiNZ1XR2q8
소요기간 : 근무일수 6일 (상황에 따라 더 소요될 수 있습니다.)
수수료 : 접수 후 안내
문의: 주한브라질대사관 영사과는 전화 업무를 하지 않습니다.
문의는 이메일 consular.seul@itamaraty.gov.br로 하시기 바랍니다.