Notícias / News
NOVO PAC: New Growth Acceleration Program
The New Growth Acceleration Program (Novo PAC) is a USD 347 billion investment plan aimed at infrastructure, development, and environmental projects.
Novo PAC involves a strong partnership between the federal government and the private sector, states, municipalities, and social movements in a joint and committed effort towards ecological transition, neo-industrialization, growth alongside social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.
The Novo PAC investments include USD 75 billion from Brazil’s General Budget; USD 70 billion from state-owned companies; USD 74 billion from financing; and USD 125 billion from the private sector.
In this regard, Brazil’s federal government is launching public notices that add up to USD 27,7 billion to select priority projects for States and municipalities in the following areas:
Cities: urbanization, water supply, sewage, solid waste, urban mobility and prevention of natural disasters;
Health: Basic Health Centers, polyclinics and maternity hospitals;
Education: kindergartens, schools and school buses;
Culture: Unified Arts and Sports Centers and historical heritage projects;
Sports: community sports venues.
For further information on the program, please refer to:
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