Trabalho, Emprego e Previdência
Job opening for Administrative Assistant
The Embassy of Brazil in Nairobi has opened a selection process for hiring 1 (one) administrative assistant.
Public works in Gigiri affecting the Embassy's services
Disruptions to energy supply and telecommunications are causing cancellations and delays.
Trabalho, Emprego e Previdência
Selection Process Administrative Assistant. Written exams results released.
As per the item 5 of the public notice for the selection process of hiring an administrative assistant, the results of the written exam have been released.
Consular Sector
Services are provided by appointment only through the e-consular system.
@BrazilianEmbassyKenya @brazilembassyke @BrazilEmbassyKE @BrazilEmbassyKE @BrazilEmbassyKE
We do not provide information over the telephone, only by e-mail. DO NOT INSIST!
Emergency contact (for Brazilian citizens only): +254 733 702 272