Quadro de Mensagens
On November 18th and 19th, 2024, Brasil will host the G20 Heads of State and Government Summit at the Museum of Modern Art (MAM), in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
The accreditation for private press remains open until November 3rd, 2024. Interested journalists must fill out, by that date, a form available on the official website of the Brazilian G20 presidency:
On this page, it is possible to consult a step-by-step guide for media professionals’ accreditation, as well as access the English version of the accreditation form.
This registration will grant access to the Press Center for the coverage of both days of the event.
Please note: Professionals with passports from countries that require a visa to enter Brazil must have a valid visa before applying for accreditation to the Summit.
Please note 2: This registration is not intended for the Official Press of the countries participating in the Summit or for requesting Press Center facilities.
The place to collect the credentials will be informed at a later date.
Contact: press@g20.gov.br / Mr. Tiago Souza: + 55 (61) 992853086
Press registration for the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro
On November 18 and 19, 2024, Brasil will host the G20 Heads of State and Government Summit at the Museum of Modern Art (MAM), in the city of Rio de Janeiro.
All media professionals interested in covering the event must apply for participation by selecting the option: “G20 Summit”.
This registration will grant access to the Press Center for the coverage of both days of the event. Please note: This registration is not intended for the Official Press of the countries participating in the Summit or for requesting Press Center facilities.
The place to collect the credentials will be informed at a later date. The registration request must be submitted between September 2 and November 3, 2024, by accessing the Press Registration System on the Palácio do Planalto website.
The 12th Brazil-Africa Forum will be held in the city of São Paulo, on October 14th and 15th, 2024.
The forum is organized annually by the Brazil-Africa Institute (IBRAF), a non-governmental organization based in the Brazilian city of Fortaleza. It aims to attract public and private stakeholders interested in issues affecting the African continent and its relationship with Brazil.
In 2024, the Brazil-Africa Forum will have as its central theme “Infrastructure Investment to Boost Sustainable Development in Brazil and Africa”.
The event is expected to bring together government stakeholders, representatives of development agencies, financial institutions and leaders from the private sector and civil society. More information about the event can be found at https://forumbrazilafrica.com
Lançamento da Cartilha sobre “Subtração Internacional de Crianças”
O Ministério das Relações Exteriores lançou a Cartilha sobre “Subtração Internacional de Crianças”, que contou com a colaboração do Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública e de entidade especializada da sociedade civil, a ONG REVIBRA Europa.
A cartilha esclarece aspectos da subtração internacional de menores à luz da Convenção de Haia de 1980 e o papel da rede consular na orientação de mães e na proteção dada àquelas que são vítimas de violência doméstica.
O objetivo principal do documento é alertar mães brasileiras residentes no exterior sobre os riscos de natureza legal da decisão de se mudar de volta para o Brasil com seus filhos, sem o consentimento do pai ou responsável pela criança.
A cartilha contém também orientações para o caso de violência contra o menor ou a genitora, com destaque para a assistência consular cabível em casos dessa natureza. Para acessar a cartilha completa, acesse o link abaixo. https://www.gov.br/mre/pt-br/assuntos/portal-consular/cartilhas/cartilha-subtracao-internacional-de-criancas.pdf
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil prepared a general catalogue of companies participating in the Ministry's commercial promotion actions.
The variety of products and segments shows the richness and diversity of Brazilian agribusiness. The catalogue (whose content is already in English) can be found through the following link: https://www.gov.br/agricultura/pt-br/assuntos/relacoes-internacionais/eventos-internacionais/brazilian-companies-catalog
Abertura de mercado na Zâmbia para o café brasileiro - nota conjunta MRE/MAPA
O governo brasileiro recebeu com satisfação a notícia da aprovação sanitária e consequente autorização para importação, pelo governo da Zâmbia, de café em grão verde ('Coffea arabica') do Brasil.
O Ministério da Agricultura zambiano informou ter completado o processo de análise de risco de pragas, o que resultou na elaboração de regulamentos fitossanitários para importação de café em grão originário do Brasil. Isso significa que o Brasil passa a estar habilitado a exportar café para a Zâmbia.
Operações de exportação e importação de café em grão verde brasileiro poderão ser iniciadas por meio de inscrição na Janela Única Eletrônica da Zâmbia ("Zambia Electronic Single Window" - ZESW), pelo site https://zesw.gov.zm/zesw/.
A abertura oferece oportunidades futuras para produtores brasileiros, em vista do grande potencial do continente africano em termos de expansão demográfica e de crescimento econômico. De acordo com a base de dados do "International Trade Center", a importação anual de café pela Zâmbia tem variado entre US$ 600 mil e US$ 800 mil; África do Sul, Guiné Equatorial e Botswana foram os principais fornecedores em 2022.
A autorização de importação de café brasileiro pelas autoridades da Zâmbia deverá contribuir para o aumento do comércio bilateral e o aprofundamento das relações com esse importante parceiro do Brasil na África.
Tal resultado é fruto do trabalho conjunto do Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (MAPA) e do Ministério das Relações Exteriores (MRE).
Agro.BR: a permanent online business round with foreign buyers
Within the scope of the Agro.BR export training project (https://cnabrasil.org.br/projetos-e-programas/agro-br), aimed at small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the agricultural, fishing and aquaculture sectors, the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA) will launch, between February 26th and March 1st, 2024, a permanent online business round with foreign buyers.
Brazilian companies from the following sectors will participate in the round: açaí, nuts and pecans, cocoa and chocolates, fresh fruits, honey and derivatives, teas, yerba mate, organic products, juices, seasonings and spices, olive oils, special coffees, dairy products, cassava starch, cereal-based ingredients, fish, processed fruits, jellies and sweets, plant-based products, healthy snacks, cachaça, wines and sparkling wines, and processed foods.
Unlike the previous edition of the program, there will be no limit to participants and events will be held monthly over 10 months. Buyers and sellers will be able to keep their profiles active on the platform and simply update it at each stage throughout the year. Buyers will also be able to contact sellers on a recurring basis, not necessarily just during each monthly event – which highlights the permanent nature of the business round throughout this year.
Interested local importers will be able to register, free of charge, on the event platform and schedule meetings with Brazilian producers through the following link: https://b2bmatchmaking.broggini.com/events/153/cna-rodada-permanente
24th Expodireto Cotrijal International Fair
The 24th edition of the Expodireto Cotrijal International Fair will take place in the city of Não-Me-Toque, State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, between March 4th and 8th, 2023.
Expodireto Cotrijal is one of the most established fairs on the Brazilian agricultural circuit. It is possibly the most internationalized Brazilian Agribusiness fair, which receives the largest number of delegations, authorities, importers, journalists and opinion makers from abroad. The last edition of the fair, in March 2023, brought together more than 590 exhibitors, representatives from more than 70 countries, 320,000 visitors and exchanges of 7 billion reais in business (the equivalent of almost 1.5 billion US dollars), in an area of 130 hectares.
For the 2024 edition, the organizers expect to bring together more than 590 exhibitors in an area of 130 hectares. There will be the possibility of scheduling meetings with exhibitors or using the International Pavilion itself for business discussions. Representatives from the most diverse sectors will participate, such as agricultural machinery, equipment and implements, grains (maize, soybean, wheat, barley, canola, rice), meat (poultry, beef, pork producers) and dairy products.
Information about the activities of the International Area of the 24th Expodireto Cotrijal, as well as about logistical issues (location, transportation and accommodation), can be obtained via the website www.expodireto.cotrijal.com.br, or directly from Ms. Melita Hickel, coordinator of the fair (email: expodiretointernacional@gmail.com / mobile: +55 51 98617.8535).
Brazil Wine Challenge 2024
The Brazilian Enology Association (ABE) informs about the XII International Wine Competition of Brazil - "Brazil Wine Challenge 2024", taking place from the 4th to the 7th of June 2024, in the city of Bento Gonçalves-RS.
The event will feature the participation of international judges and will follow the regulations and rules for competitions of the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) and the UIOE (International Union of Enologists).
The previous edition of the event, held between June 7th and 10th, 2022, saw the participation of 903 samples from 15 countries.
Interested parties can register until April 12th, 2024, via the website:
There is growing interest among Brazilians in wine consumption. In this context, the constant improvement and international recognition of Brazilian viticulture can be noted, as well as the international character of the "Brazil Wine Challenge". The wines awarded at the event will receive certification from the Brazilian Enology Association.
Lançamento da Cartilha “Prevenção de Violência contra Mulheres Brasileiras no Exterior”
O Ministério das Relações Exteriores e o Ministério das Mulheres lançaram hoje, 15 de janeiro, a Cartilha “Prevenção de Violências Contra Mulheres Brasileiras no Exterior”.
O documento contém orientações e fornece elementos para identificar as diferentes formas de violência contra as mulheres, além de detalhar os meios para sua proteção e canais de denúncia disponibilizados pelo governo para as brasileiras no exterior, independentemente de sua situação migratória.
A cartilha trata também da Convenção de Haia sobre os Aspectos Civis do Sequestro Internacional de Crianças, alertando sobre as consequências legais do deslocamento internacional de menores sem a autorização de ambos genitores.
O documento aborda, ainda, os riscos de relacionamentos virtuais com pessoas no exterior e de golpes pela internet.
Para acessar a cartilha, clique no link abaixo.
____________________________________________________________________________ MOVELSUL BRASIL 2025 AND FIMMA BRASIL: GOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE FURNITURE SECTOR Two important fairs of the furniture sector will take place in Brazil, both in the city of Bento Gonçalves (State of Rio Grande do Sul), next year. These are "Movelsul Brasil 2025", to take place between February 17th and 20th, 2025, and "Fimma Brasil", between August 4th and 7th, 2025. Held since 1977, "Movelsul Brasil" (https://www.movelsul.com.br/) is the main furniture fair in Latin America in terms of exhibition area, number of exhibitors and professional visitors. Its objective is to foster business between the furniture industry and buyers from Brazil and abroad. Its most recent edition welcomed representatives from 46 countries, 240 exhibiting brands, and more than 30,000 professional visitors. Organizers can be contacted at movelsul@movelsul.com.br. "Fimma Brasil" (https://fimma.com.br/), which has been held for 35 years, is the main Brazilian fair for suppliers of the wood and furniture production chain and is among the five most important fairs in the world in its segment. It brings together exhibitors of machinery, tools, hardware, raw materials, technology, paints, accessories, and packaging, among other segments that serve the furniture sector. It is a B2B fair, with a commercial focus. Organizers can be contacted through atendimento@fimma.com.br.