Sworn Translations
This service is not responsibility of the Brazilian consular offices.
Therefore, it cannot be carried out at the Embassies of Brazil.
This page contains information on how to forward your request directly to the competent Brazilian Authority.
I. What is a sworn translation?
II. Documents issued in Brazil (for use abroad)
III. Documents issued in Finland (for use in Brazil)
I. What is a sworn translation?
A public translation, commonly known as a sworn translation ("tradução juramentada"), is a translation made by a public translator, also called a sworn translator.
Only a sworn translation ("tradução juramentada") is officially recognized by various institutions and public bodies in Brazil and valid as an official or legal document in Brazilian territory.
Likewise, for the document issued in Portuguese to be accepted by foreign authorities, an official translation into the local language is generally requested.
In Brazil, the Public Translator and Commercial Interpreter - the correct name of the trade - qualified in one or more foreign languages and Portuguese, is appointed and registered in Brazilian territory, at the Trade Association of their state of residence, after approval in a public tender. Therefore, only persons (not companies) can be sworn translators.
Official translators in a foreign country are also qualified and registered with official regulatory bodies in that country.
The Brazilian Embassy in Helsinki and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Brazil and abroad, do not make translations or versions of documents.
The Embassy in Helsinki does not maintain any ties with these professionals and is not responsible for the services provided by them.
II. Documents issued in Brazil (for use abroad)
If you need to translate documents to present them to authorities or institutions in Finland, check with the authority/institution to which the document is intended, to confirm whether it is really necessary to carry out a sworn translation of your document, from Portuguese to Finnish (or English), and if so, in which country it should be carried out.
The website of the Association of Interpreters and Translators of Finland, which offers an online search for translators: http://www.sktl.fi
For Brazilian documents to be valid in Finland, they must, as a rule, receive the Apostille (Apostille), rquested in a Notary ("cartório"), in Brazil, under the terms of the Hague Apostille Convention.
Information on apostilles is available on our website at Legalization of Documents and Hague Apostille Convention.
III. Documents issued in Finland (for use in Brazil)
To be valid in Brazil, the original Finnish document must be apostilled with the competent Apostille Authority in Finland (Maistraatti-DVV).
Information on this matter can be found on our website Legalization of Documents and Hague Apostille Convention.
Furthermore, according to Brazilian legislation, for a foreign document to produce legal effects in Brazilian territory, it must also be translated, in Brazil, by a sworn public translator.
Section IV, below, contains a list of the Trade Associations of the states which, under Brazilian law, are the entities responsible for qualifying sworn translators in Brazil.
The lists of professionals, available on the pages of the Trade Associations, are merely informative and of public utility and in no way mean a recommendation.
The choice of translator is the sole responsibility of the applicant.
The Embassy of Brazil in Helsinki clarifies that currently, in Brazil, there are no official translators qualified to translate from Finnish into Portuguese.
Likewise, currently, in Brazil, there are no official translators qualified to translate from Swedish to Portuguese.
However, several states have sworn translators from English to Portuguese.
Many Finnish public authorities issue, at the request of the interested party, documents directly in English, which facilitates the sworn translation in Brazil.
In case the Finnish authority cannot issue documents originally in English, there are some alternatives*:
*Attention: Consult the body to which the document is intended, in Brazil, on how to proceed with an alternative translation, informing that there are no sworn translators for Finnish or Swedish qualified in Brazil.
Alternative A: Request the Brazilian agency/authority to which the document is intended (notary, court, Ministry, Agency, etc.) to appoint an "ad hoc" translator, through the process of translation or interpretation at the Trade Association of the state.
Check instructions for this procedure with the Trade Association of the state where the document will be presented, or a lawyer, in Brazil.
Alternative B: Carry out a "triangulated" translation, that is, the first certified translation, in Finland, from Finnish (or Swedish) into English and, subsequently, the sworn translation, in Brazil, from English into Portuguese.
Remember: Consult the body to which the document is intended, in Brazil, on how to proceed with the alternative translation, informing that there are no sworn translators for Finnish or Swedish qualified in Brazil.
Obs.: The Embassy can issue, at the request of the interested party, by e-mail to the Consular Section, official information on the absence, in Brazil, of official Finnish and Swedish official translators, in order to facilitate requests, in Brazil, for alternative processes of translation.
IV. Lists of Official "Sworn" Translators in Brazil (websites of the Brazilian Trade Associations, by state)
This section contains the list of the Trade Associations ("Juntas Comerciais") which, under Brazilian law, are the entities responsible for the qualification of sworn translators.
The lists of professionals, available on the pages of the Commercial Associations, are merely informative and of public utility and in no way mean a recommendation.
The choice of translator is the sole responsibility of the interested party.
The Brazilian Embassy in Helsinki and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Brazil and abroad, do not carry out translations or versions of documents.
The Embassy in Helsinki does not maintain any ties with these professionals and is not responsible for the services provided by them.
For more information on legalization and Apostille, please visit the Legalization and Hague Apostille Convention section on our website.
Junta Comercial do Estado do Acre
CEP 69918-308 Rio Branco - AC
Tel/Fax: (68) 3223-3836
E-mail: juntacomercial@ac.gov.br
Junta Comercial do Estado de Alagoas
Av. Fernandes Lima, n° 1681 - Pinheiro
CEP 57057-450 Maceió - AL
Tel: (82) 3315-9903
E-mail: ouvidoria@juceal.al.gov.br
Junta Comercial do Estado do Amapá
Av. FAB, nº 1610, Bairro Centro
CEP 68906-075 Macapá - AP
Junta Comercial do Estado do Amazonas
Rua Major Gabriel, 1728, 1ºAndar, Praça 14
CEP 69020-060 Manaus - AM
Tel: (92) 3212-4197
Junta Comercial do Estado da Bahia
Rua Miguel Calmon, 28 - Comércio
CEP 40015-010 Salvador - BA
Tel: (71) 3326-8080
E-mail: juceb@juceb.ba.gov.br
Junta Comercial do Estado do Ceará
Rua 25 de março, 300 - Centro
CEP 60060-120 Fortaleza - CE
Tel: (85) 3101-2482
Fax: (85) 3101-2485
Junta Comercial do Distrito Federal
Setor de Autarquias Sul - SAUS, quadra 2, lote 1/A, Subsolo
CEP 70070-020 Brasília - DF
Tel: (61) 3411-8860 / 3411-8861
E-mail: jcdf.smpe@planalto.gov.br
Junta Comercial do Estado do Espírito Santo
Av. Nossa Senhora da Penha, 1915 - Bairro Santa Lúcia
CEP 29056-933 Vitória - ES
Junta Comercial do Estado de Goiás
Rua 260, esquina com rua 259, quadra 85-A, lote 5-F - Setor Leste Universitário
CEP 74610-240 Goiânia - GO
Tel: (62) 3252-9200 / 3252-9212 / 3252-9268 / 3252-9294
Junta Comercial do Estado do Maranhão
Praça João Lisboa, 328 - Centro Histórico
CEP 65010-310 São Luís - MA
Tel: (98) 2106-8500
Fax: (98) 2106-8500
Junta Comercial do Estado do Mato Grosso
Av. Historiador Rubens de Mendonça, 3949 - CPA (Centro Político Administrativo )
CEP 78050-500 Cuiabá-MT
Tel: (65) 3613-9500
Fax: (65) 3613-9595
Junta Comercial do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul
Rua Dr. Arthur Jorge, 1376
CEP 79010-210 Campo Grande - MS
CEP 30130-170 Belo Horizonte - MG
Tel: (31) 3219-7900
Junta Comercial do Estado do Pará
Av. Magalhães Barata, 1234 - São Braz
CEP 66060-281 Belém - PA
Tel : (91) 3217-5825
E-mail: viapostal@jucepa.pa.gov.br
Junta Comercial do Estado da Paraíba
Av. Princesa Isabel, 755 - Centro
CEP 58013-250 João Pessoa - PB
Tel: (83) 3218-6139
Junta Comercial do Estado do Paraná
Rua Barão do Serro Azul, 316 - Centro
CEP 80020-180 Curitiba - PR
Tel: (41) 3310-3410
Fax: (41) 3310-3488
Junta Comercial do Estado de Pernambuco
Rua Imperial, 1600 - São José
CEP 50090-000 Recife - PE
Tel: (81) 3182-5255 / 3182-5200
Junta Comercial do Estado do Piauí
Rua Gonçalo Cavalcante, 3359 - Cabral
CEP 64000-600 Teresina - PI
Tel: (86) 3221-4535
Fax: (86) 3221-6885
Junta Comercial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Av. Rio Branco 10, Centro
CEP 20090-000 Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Tel: (21) 2334-5400
Junta Comercial do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte
Avenida Duque de Caxias, 214 - Ribeira
CEP 59012-200 Natal - RN
Tel: (84) 3232-7414
E-mail: jucern@rn.gov.br
Junta Comercial do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
Avenida Júlio de Castilhos, 120 - Centro
CEP 90030-130 Porto Alegre - RS
Tel: (51) 3216-7500 / 3216-7502 / 3216-7504 / 3216-7506
Fax: (51) 3216-7555
Junta Comercial do Estado de Rondônia
Av. Pinheiro Machado, 326 - Caiari
CEP 76801-177 Porto Velho - RO
Tel: (69) 3216-8600
Fax: (69) 3216-8600
Junta Comercial do Estado de Roraima
Av. Jaime Brasil, 203 - Centro
CEP 69301-350 Boa Vista - RO
Tel: (95) 2121-5353
Fax: (95) 3623-2437
Junta Comercial do Estado de Santa Catarina
Avenida Rio Branco, 387 - Centro
CEP 88015-201 Florianópolis - SC
Tel: (48) 3665-5900 / 3665-5999
Junta Comercial do Estado de São Paulo
Rua Barra Funda, 836
CEP 01152-000 São Paulo- SP
PABX: (11) 3468-3050 / 3468-3051
Junta Comercial do Estado de Sergipe
Rua Própria, 315 - Centro
CEP 49010-020 Aracaju - SE
Tel: (79) 3234-4100
Junta Comercial do Estado do Tocantins
Quadra 103 Sul, rua SO-07, lote 12 - Plano Diretor Sul
CEP 77015-030 Palmas - TO
Tel: (63) 3218-4805