Service by Mail ( Posti )
For your convenience, some services can be carried out entirely by mail. Check the availability of services by mail on each consular service's website.
Before sending your application / request for service, check our website for instructions and necessary documents for each consular service.
The Consular Section website contains all the information needed for the swift and proper processing of your desired service.
For all services by mail, it is necessary to forward, in addition to all the necessary documentation to the consular service:
- 1 (one) "return postal label, 250g max" through the Posti website (either express or registered), self-addressed.
To purchase the postal label go to the Posti website at:
- Express letter:
- Registered letter:
* Both the express and registered letters can be traced. However, only the registered letter has included Posti's insurance.
- Step-by-step instructions on how to correctly purchase the return postal label are available here.
- Remember to carefully read the instructions on our website. Consular services can only be provided if the applicant presents all the documents required for the service in question and is able to pay the consular fees. If the service cannot be provided, it will be necessary to make a new appointment.
- Mail services will only be sent to addresses in Finland. If you no longer reside in Finland, you can request that the service be sent to the address of a third party (relative or friend) residing in Finland.
- For security reasons and control of services rendered by mail, the Consular Section does not send documents by regular mail (that is, without the tracking code), but only by express letter or registered letter.
- It is possible to deposit your mail directly in the Embassy's mailbox. In this case, the envelope can only be deposited from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Remember: The prepaid return postal label is still required for the return of the service.
- The Embassy is not responsible for damaged, lost, misplaced or delayed correspondence.
Mailing address:
Embassy of Brazil in Helsinki
Consular Section
Itäinen Puistotie 4 B 1 00140
Helsinki / Finland