Annotation of Name and Gender for Transgender People
General information
Brazilian consular offices abroad may receive requests for annotation, in the birth or marriage registration, of the first name, gender, or both, of a transgender person, in accordance with the provisions of Provision nr. 73/2018 of the National Council of Justice.
The consular office will receive the mandatory documentation for the service and forward it to the Civil Registry Office (Cartório de Registro Civil das Pessoas Naturais) in the city of origin, or the place where the consular certificate was trancribed.
The Civil Registry Office (cartório) will be responsible for carrying out the registration service and issuing the new certificate (birth, marriage, or both) in accordance with the current legislation.
Important: The applicant must contact directly the Civil Registry Office that will carry out the registration in Brazil, in order to find out about possible registration costs and issuance of the updated certificate, and about direct payment arrangements, which will not be intermediated by the Consular Section.
Those who were born or married abroad, have a consular birth or marriage certificate and have not yet transcribed their records at a Brazilian registry office ("transcrição do registro consular em cartório") must first transcribe it to be able to request the annotation.
This service is only available to those over 18 years of age and able according to Brazilian Civil Law.
Only the interested party can request this service. He/she cannot be represented by third parties.
Form of service
In-person only (by appointment).
Required instructions and documents:
The interested party must come to the Embassy in person on the scheduled day and present all the following documents (only originals are accepted):
Important: Only original documents are accepted. Copies, attachments, printed documents, those with digital signature or electronic versions, except where specifically indicated on this page, are not accepted.
1. Original updated Brazilian birth certificate (issued by the Civil Registry Office, within the last 6 months);
2. Original updated Brazilian marriage certificate, if applicable (issued by the Civil Registry Office, within the last 6 months);
3. Original Brazilian identity card (carteira de identidade - RG), if applicable;
4. Original national civil identification (ICN), if applicable;
5. Original social identity card, if applicable;
6. Original valid Brazilian passport;
7. Original Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF);
8. Original voter registration card (título eleitoral);
9. Electoral Situation Certificate (Certidão de Quitação Eleitoral);
10. Proof of address;
11. If you have lived abroad continuously for more than 5 years:
11. 1. Criminal record certificate issued by the Finnish Police, in English, with Apostille;
Note: The apostille must be requested to Maistraatti-DVV.
11.2. Declaration under penalty of law, that you have lived abroad for at least five years, signed and notarized (made at the Consular Section) (clique aqui para baixar o documento em PDF)
12. If residing abroad for less than 5 years:
a) Documents relating to criminal/judicial records in Brazil:
12.1. Certificate from the civil distributor (Certidão do distribuidor cível) of the place of residence for the last five years (state/federal);
12.2. Certificate from the criminal distributor (Certidão do distribuidor criminal) of the place of residence for the last five years (state/federal);
12.3. Criminal execution certificate (Certidão de execução criminal) from the place of residence for the last five years (state/federal);
12.4. Certificate from the notary public of protests (Certidão dos tabelionatos de protestos) at the place of residence for the last five years;
12.5. Certificate from the Justice of Labour (Certidão da Justiça do Trabalho) of the place of residence for the last five years; and
12.6. Military Justice Certificate, if applicable.
At the time of application, the applicant may, if he/she so wishes, add the following documents to the application:
* Attention: According to Provision no. 73/2018 of the National Council of Justice these documents are not mandatory:
I – medical report certifying transsexuality/transvestility;
II – psychological opinion certifying transsexuality/transvestility; and
III – medical report certifying that sex reassignment surgery was performed.
If there are no pending issues or suspicion of fraud, the Consular Section will receive the documentation and process the notarization of the applicant's signature, by authenticity (reconhecimento de firma por autenticidade) on the application form.
Service value:
The Consular Section charges, for this service, only the signature notarization(s), in accordance with the following:
a) If residing abroad for more than 5 years: two notarizations, total: EUR 48
b) If resident abroad for less than 5 years: one notarized signature, total: EUR 24
Important: The applicant must contact directly the Civil Registry Office that will carry out the annotation, in Brazil, in order to find out about possible registration costs and issuance of a new updated certificate, and about direct payment arrangements, which will not be mediated by the Consular Section.
Processing times:
Attention: The Embassy only forwards the documentation to the Registry Office in Brazil. The annotation of the register and issuance of a new birth (or marriage) certificate services are provided by the Registry Office. Consult the registry directly about the processing time and costs of your request.
Once the process has been completed and the new original birth certificate has been issued by the Registry Office, a new Brazilian passport can be requested at the Embassy.
Passport instructions are available under "Passports - Over 18 Years Old".
Remember to update your other Brazilian documents, according to the instructions below:
- Identity Card (carteira de identidade - RG): only in Brazil, upon request to the Public Security Office of the state of origin
- CPF: online, upon request to the Federal Revenue Service, as per instructions in "CPF - Residents in Finland"
- Electoral registration: online, by request to the Electoral Justice (TRE-DF), as per instructions in "Electoral Matters"
- CNH: only in Brazil, upon request to the Transit Authority (Detran) in the state of origin.