The Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) is a database managed by the Receita Federal do Brasil (RFB), which stores the registration information of taxpayers obliged to register or of citizens who have registered voluntarily.
From 2024, the CPF will be the only identification number for citizens in Brazil, for all the individual's relations with the State. The number will appear on public documents, civil registries and existing registrations in federal, state and municipal public databases. To make any public service request it will be necessary to inform the CPF.
For foreigners living abroad, you can issue your CPF at the Embassy. First, fill in the form below:
The "Voter ID" field on the form must be left blank.
The browser's pop-up blocker must be disabled, otherwise it will not be possible to send the request.
After clicking "send", a registration form (FCPF) will be generated containing a service code.
Come to the Embassy with the registration form duly filled in and signed, and an identity document showing your name, date of birth and nationality.