Political Affairs
Relations Brazil-Syria
Estimated at four million people, the community of Syrian origin established in Brazil is an important asset in the bilateral relationship. Diplomatic relations were established in 1945, and the Brazilian Legation in Damascus was opened in 1951 – and elevated to Embassy status in 1961. There are seven bilateral agreements in force, which enable cooperation in the areas of health, agriculture, tourism, sports and culture.
Brazil has reiterated its support for a political solution to the crisis in Syria that started in March, 2011, and has reaffirmed its condemnation to all violence and human rights violations.
Brazil coordinates with key international and regional players, while keeping an open channel of dialogue with the Syrian Government, through the Embassy of Syria in Brasília, in order to make diplomatic efforts for a negotiated solution to the crisis. Brazil also keeps the Embassy in Damascus open, which provides support to approximately three hundred Brazilians still living in Syria.
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