How to request electoral services
Due to the local elections taking place in October this year, and according to the electoral legislation, the electoral registry is closed until the 4th of November.
Those who have their registration cancelled or have never registered will not be able to regularize their situation until then.
If you have debts with the electoral justice, you can still pay them online and get a certificate of electoral clearance (certidão de quitação eleitoral). You can pay your debts here.
The request for electoral services is made exclusively online.
Instructions for Título Net Exterior
1. Click here to get access to Título Net Exterior.
2. Click on "Tire Seu Título Eleitoral" to start the registration process.
3. Fill in the personal information for the applicant (name or CPF, date of birth, mother's name) and then click "entrar".
4. Follow the instructions provided, upload copies (PDF or JPG) of the following documents where request:
- A selfie: of the applicant face holding his/her official identification document (must be Brazilian) right next to your face. If you don't have a Brazilian ID, you can upload a photo with your Brazilian birth certificate AND a foreign ID.
- Official identification document (must be Brazilian): General Registry (RG) or passport with parents' names or work and social security card (CTPS), among others;
- Proof or declaration of address (Click here);
- Proof of military discharge (for men aged 18 to 45 who do not yet have an electoral card).
5. Fill out the electronic form with your personal information.
6. In the fifth step of filling out the form, choose the second option for exemption from electoral taxes (Declaro, sob as penas da lei, para os fins previstos no art. 367, § 3º, do Código Eleitoral, que não disponho de recursos financeiros para pagamento da multa pendente de quitação decorrente de ausência às urnas e/ou ausência aos trabalhos eleitorais, motivo pelo qual solicito a isenção de pagamento)
7. Fill in the contact information in the sixth step, and in the seventh step you will receive the protocol number to follow up on the status of the registration process.
8. The application will be examined by the foreign electoral district (ZZ) and its status can be followed by email or by clicking here "Acompanhar requerimento".
9. Once your application is approved, you can request an electoral clearance certificate by clicking here (certidão de quitação eleitoral) which can be obtained from the website of the Supreme Electoral Court (you will need it if you are applying for a new passport).