Rectification of Registration
Consular registration correction
By reading and signing the consular registration entry (birth, marriage, death), the declarant is liable for its contents and, should the document contain any errors, the following rectification arrangements must be made:
a) Registration correction in Brazil
Eventual errors contained in the consular registration will not prevent the document's transcription in Brazil (when a definitive document will be issued). After transcription, the official registration must then be rectified, and the claimant must submit supporting documents displaying the correct information. In order to rectify the document, the registry officer must proceed in accordance with Article 5 of Resolution No. 155/2012, of the National Justice Council (CNJ). The process can be made by a cartório in Brazil.
b) Registration correction at the Embassy
Only certificates that have not yet been transcribed in Brazil can be rectified at the Embassy, and the information to be corrected must be attested by the data contained in the foreign certificate used as basis for consular registration (errors that do not require any inquiry for immediate verification of the need for its correction, according to art. 110 of Law No. 6015/1973).
Required documents to request the correction:
1. Completed and signed rectification request;
2. Original consular certificate to be corrected;
3. Photocopy of the claimant's identification document and the CPF;
4. Photocopy of the Syrian certificate;
5. Payment of the corresponding consular fee.
* From January 10, 2024, all Brazilian citizens must have a CPF number in order to request services at the Embassy. If you don't have a CPF, please click here for more details about how to request one.