I want to visit Brazil
Brazil offers travellers a wide variety of destinations for all sorts of leisure. Be it a beach refuge on the northeast, a rural getaway in the country or a visit to the cosmopolitan cities in the Southeast, Brazil has something for everyone.
You can find more about it on <https://www.visitbrasil.com/en/>.
If you are looking for information regarding visa requirements, please refer to the Consular Section.
Brazil’s Agency for the International Promotion of Tourism is EMBRATUR: <https://embratur.com.br/>.
If you are looking for information regarding a specific state, you may also consult local authorities:
Acre - https://www.turistanoacre.ac.gov.br/
Alagoas - http://www.sedetur.al.gov.br/
Amapá - https://setur.portal.ap.gov.br/
Amazonas - http://www.amazonastur.am.gov.br/
Bahia - http://www.setur.ba.gov.br/
Ceará - https://www.setur.ce.gov.br/
Distrito Federal - https://www.turismo.df.gov.br/
Espírito Santo - https://setur.es.gov.br/
Goiás - https://www.turismo.go.gov.br/
Maranhão - https://turismo.ma.gov.br/
Mato Grosso - http://www.sedec.mt.gov.br/
Mato Grosso do Sul - http://www.turismo.ms.gov.br/
Minas Gerais - https://www.secult.mg.gov.br/
Pará - https://www.setur.pa.gov.br/
Paraíba - https://paraiba.pb.gov.br/diretas/secretaria-de-turismo-e-desenvolvimento-economico
Paraná - https://www.paranaturismo.pr.gov.br/
Pernambuco - https://www.pe.gov.br/turismo
Piauí - https://turismo.pi.gov.br/
Rio de Janeiro - www.rj.gov.br/secretaria/turismo
Rio Grande do Norte - http://www.rn.gov.br/Index.asp
Rio Grande do Sul - https://setur.rs.gov.br/
Rondônia – https://rondonia.ro.gov.br
Roraima - http://www.turismo.rr.gov.br/
Santa Catarina - http://turismo.sc.gov.br/
São Paulo - https://www.turismo.sp.gov.br/
Sergipe - https://www.se.gov.br/setur/setur_home
Tocantins - https://turismo.to.gov.br
If you require further information, please contact <secom.camberra@itamaraty.gov.br>. Please notice that the Trade and Investment Sector (SECOM) of the Embassy of Brazil in Canberra has within its jurisdiction the states of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory.
If you are in the Northern Territory, Queensland or New South Wales, please contact the SECOM in Sydney: <secom.sydney@itamaraty.gov.br>.