I want to invest in Brazil
Here, you will find general guidelines that may help your company with productive investment in Brazil. We gathered this information based on recurring queries and most common questions. This Trade and Investment Sector (SECOM) is not responsible for information provided by third parties.
If the page you need is not available in English, please use your browser’s automatic translation.
1. Where do I start?
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) has created a dedicated website with information on how to invest in Brazil and its opportunities. You can access it at: <https://investinbrasil.com.br/>.
If you are looking for information on public private partnerships, you may look into the Investment Partnerships Program (PPI): <https://www.ppi.gov.br/invista-no-brasil/>. You can switch between Portuguese and English by clicking on the small flags on the top right of the page.
Check the New Growth Accelaration Program.
2. Is there any financing to help support productive investment in Brazil?
The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) is the main financing agent for development in Brazil. Have a look at their Projects Hub: <https://hubdeprojetos.bndes.gov.br/en/>.
You can also find more information with private banks in Brazil and regional banks, such as Banco da Amazônia, Banco do Nordeste, and Banco Regional de Desenvolvimento do Extremo Sul.
If you are interested in the mining sector, you should check the “Invest Mining” initiative, at <https://investmining.com.br/en/>.
3. Are there any local investment promotion agencies I can contact, if I am interested in investing in a particular state in Brazil?
You will find links to all state investment promotion agencies below. If the page is not available in English, please use your browser’s automatic translation.
- Acre
- Amazonas
- Bahia
- Distrito Federal:
- Espirito Santo:
- Goiás:
- Maranhão:
- Mato Grosso:
- Mato Grosso do Sul:
- Minas Gerais:
- Pará:
- Paraíba:
- Paraná:
- Pernambuco:
- Piauí:
- Rio de Janeiro:
- Rio Grande do Norte:
- Rio Grande do Sul:
- Rondônia:
- Roraima:
- Santa Catarina:
- São Paulo:
- Sergipe:
- Tocantins:
4. How do I protect my intellectual property in Brazil?
Brazil is a party to several WIPO treaties, such as the Patent Cooperation System (PCT), the Madrid System for trademarks, and the Hague System for designs.
The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) is the IP office in Brazil. You can find information on intellectual property rights at INPI’s webpage: <https://www.gov.br/inpi/pt-br>.
5. I cannot find the information I need. Whom should I contact?
The Trade and Investment Sector (SECOM) of the Embassy of Brazil in Canberra has within its jurisdiction the states of Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Western Australia and the Australian Capital Territory. You can write to <secom.camberra@itamaraty.gov.br>. Please inform your name, the name of your company and the number under which your company is registered (ABN or CNPJ).
The Northern Territory, Queensland and New South Wales are under the jurisdiction of the Consulate General of Brazil in Sydney. For assistance, please contact the SECOM in Sydney: <secom.sydney@itamaraty.gov.br>.