Publicado em
17/11/2022 12h06
Atualizado em
05/12/2023 07h27
Guidelines for foreign citizens
To request registration, regularization, data change or cancellation of CPF (taxpayer number), foreigners must fill out the online form on the Brazilian Internal Revenue (RECEITA FEDERAL) website available at the following links:
The "voter" field on the form must be left blank.
Browser's “pop-up” blocker must be disabled, otherwise it will not be possible to send the request.
After clicking the “send” button, a registration form (FCPF) with a code will be generated.
Contact the consular section via e-mail (consular.budapeste@itamaraty.gov.br) to validate the application and enable scheduling. The applicant must then attend the Consulate on the scheduled date and bring all original documentation for verification.