Discurso do Representante Permanente, Embaixador Sérgio França Danese, em nome da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), no debate do Conselho de Segurança sobre o papel das mulheres e dos jovens na manutenção da paz internacional e da segurança - 28 de maio de 2024 (texto em inglês)
Statement by the Permanent Representative of Brazil, to the United Nations, Ambassador Sérgio França Danese, on behalf of the CPLP, at the UNSC Debate on “Maintenance of international peace and security: the role of women and young people”
May 28th, 2024
Madam President,
On behalf of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries, it is my honor to convey our sincere gratitude to Mozambique for organizing this meeting on such a relevant topic. I commend the briefers for sharing their experience and invaluable insights.
The maintenance of international peace and security stands as one of the fundamental pillars of the United Nations, and the CPLP remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting this paramount objective.
A core value within the CPLP is the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women in all matters related to peace and security. Women are crucial in conflict prevention and resolution, as well as in post-conflict institutional and political strengthening.
Women offer a unique perspective into the whole of the peace continuum – from prevention strategies and mediation to post-conflict and transition processes. Women and girls are disproportionately affected by wars, particularly by sexual violence in armed conflict. Even then, they are deeply committed to finding a way to peace. Be it as leaders in their communities, as mediators, security sector officials, members of Parliament or the Judiciary, and many other roles, women’s efforts to overcome violence must be leveraged for long-term peace.
Aware of this fact, CPLP member states have prioritized the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, both within the framework of their Action Plan for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, and through the Action Plan of the CPLP Defense Component for the Implementation of Resolution 1325, adopted at the 20th Meeting of CPLP Defense Ministers on 1 June 2021.
Similarly, the CPLP recognizes the pivotal role of youth in conflict prevention and sustaining peace. That is evidenced in the priority theme chosen by the current Presidency of the CPLP for the period 2023-2025: “Youth and sustainability”. Successful strategies recognize the specific challenges faced by young persons in conflict situations, particularly regarding education, social inclusion, and economic opportunities.
It is also imperative to acknowledge and face the risks that conflict scenarios pose to the most vulnerable young individuals. They often become ensnared in the dynamics of confrontation; they are drafted for combat and violent actions; and they may inadvertently normalize violence as part of their way of facing their lives and the social and political processes in their communities and in their whole countries.
We applaud Mozambique for highlighting the importance of engaging young men in this debate. This is a crucial element in order to avoid replicating patriarchal power structures that limit gender equality and hinder durable solutions to security issues. This is also crucial for preventing young persons from becoming instruments in the hands of leaders who choose violence over the democratic and peaceful treatment of disputes and problems.
The Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries stands prepared to collaborate with all relevant partners, including the UN Peacebuilding Commission, regional organizations, and civil society, to strengthen existing mechanisms and pioneer new initiatives aimed at promoting the participation of women and youth in international peace and security, both for peacebuilding and for conflict prevention. We thank the members of the Commission for the valuable advice submitted to this Council on the occasion of today´s debate.
We reaffirm our unwavering commitment to peace, justice, and equality. Together, let us endeavor to build a safer, more peaceful world for both present and future generations.
I thank you, Madam President.