Discurso do Representante Permanente Alterno, Embaixador Norberto Moretti, em reunião do Conselho de Segurança sobre a Situação na Somália - 19 de outubro de 2023 (texto em inglês)
Statement by the Deputy Permanent Representative, Ambassador Norberto Moretti, on the situation in Somalia
October 19th, 2023
I thank Special Representatives Laing and Souef for their briefings. I welcome Ambassador Osman and the Somali delegation to today’s meeting.
Brazil commends Somalia’s enduring commitment to improving security and stability. We underscore, in particular, the unprecedented liberation of dozens of communities from Al-Shabaab rule since July 2022. The national stabilization strategy and the revised stabilization plan provide solid conceptual frameworks to address the considerable needs of the newly recovered areas. By resuming long-term State-building processes in the liberated communities, the Federal Government of Somalia and the federal member states have unprecedented opportunities to promote local ownership and sustain peace. We welcome the efforts to enhance governance at the federal and member state levels.
President Mohamud’s remarks to the Council on 22 June (see S/PV.9356) highlighted how meetings of the National Consultative Council have resulted in agreements on elections, the allocation of power, judicial institutions and fiscal federalism. Despite that remarkable progress, Somalia faces significant challenges ahead.
Al-Shabaab continues to pose the most dangerous threat. Despite the United Nations special political mission’s vital mediation efforts, the conflict in Laascaanood remains unresolved. We commend Special Representative Laing and her team's tenacious endeavors to bring about a peaceful solution to the violent clashes in Laascaanood. Her comprehensive briefing to Council members on 7 September made it clear that the engagement, in good faith, of all sides of the conflict is critical to solving the issues that have plagued the lives of civilians in the Sool region since last year. Dialogue facilitated by mediation is the best option available to reach an agreement.
We welcome the African Union Peace and Security Council’s efforts to operationalize the three-month technical pause requested by the Federal Government of Somalia. Brazil commends, in particular, the African Union’s commitment to durable peace in Somalia.
As the most essential partner in Somalia’s security transition, the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia deserves full support from the Council to fulfil its demanding mandate. Support from the international community remains vital in the short term. We commend Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs' work and the life-saving efforts of humanitarian agencies. While the essential support and generous donations from abroad helped Somalia tackle the worst aspects of a food-insecurity crisis last year, the challenge remains daunting. After all, nearly half of its population needs humanitarian assistance this year. By improving its security and stability, Somalia will free a significant share of its people’s precious time, energy and resources to pursue their ambitions and dreams. A developing country with such a promising young population deserves all the resources and support we can summon to promote its development.
Thank you.