Discurso do Representante Permanente Alterno, Embaixador João Genésio de Almeida Filho, em reunião do Conselho de Segurança sobre o Iêmen - 15 de março de 2023 (texto em inglês)
Statement by the Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador João Genésio de Almeida Filho on Yemen
March 15th, 2023
Thank you, Mister President.
Before I begin, I would like thank our distinguished briefers for their invaluable updates on the situation in Yemen. Brazil extends its deepest appreciation for their efforts in the search of a better future for the Yemeni people. I welcome the delegation of Yemen to this meeting.
The ongoing civil war in Yemen has brought untold suffering to its people and plunged the country into a humanitarian crisis. It has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands and left millions more without access to medical care, water, and food.
As made evident by the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen held in Geneva last month, humanitarian action remains vital to save countless lives in the country, with two-thirds of its population in need of assistance. Brazil has made a financial pledge to be channeled to the World Food Programme, with a view to contributing with the promotion of access to potable water and basic sanitation in Yemen.
However, much remains to be done. A key element is to ensure that Yemen has proper access to affordable food and resources to rebuild its food systems, in line with the recommendations of OCHA's most recent “white note” on the topic.
As one of the focal points for armed conflict and hunger at the Security Council, and notwithstanding recent progress on the ground, which we welcome, Brazil continues to believe that the food security situation in Yemen deserves especial attention, as set out in the last “Hunger Hotspots” report by FAO and WFP. The promotion of food security is a crucial means to achieve stability and reinforce trust, de-escalate competition over available resources and forge a path to conflict resolution and durable solutions.
Sanctions and unilateral measures that may hinder access to agricultural goods must be avoided. The United Nations Yemen Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework should have the necessary conditions to enact the proposed transformations in favor of the priority attributed to food security. Furthermore, facilitated access to financial resources must be ensured, especially with regard to food import needs, in accordance with FAO’s proposal for a Food Import Financing Facility and the IMF’s Food Shock Window.
It is difficult to secure food security in protracted crises, and it is even more difficult to reach peace and stabilization without improving the security situation. Brazil believes that the advancement of intra-Yemeni dialogue is key, as illustrated by ongoing efforts to exchange prisoners of war, among other initiatives.
In this vein, we highly encourage the pursue of direct negotiations between the parties as means to enhance mutual understanding, build trust and bridge all outstanding differences. At this crucial moment, we would like to insist on the importance of continued restraint from any escalatory actions, especially against civilian targets.
Mister President,
The latest developments in the Safer oil tanker salvage operation mark a promising step towards the protection of the Red Sea region. This has been a looming threat for far too long, and the recent news are a testament to the power of collective action, through the joint efforts of all parties involved. It is Brazil’s hope that all measures are soon implemented so that the tanker is safely replaced and the risk of an environmental disaster is entirely eliminated.
In brief, Brazil therefore reiterates its steadfast support to Special Envoy Grundberg’s resolute efforts in favor of a sustainable resolution of the conflict. Brazil urges both parties to show the necessary flexibility, engage constructively in meaningful dialogue and pave the way to a future of peace, stability and development for Yemen.
Thank you.