Declaração da Delegação do Brasil durante Consultas do Conselho de Segurança sobre o Oriente Médio - 6 de março de 2023 (texto em inglês)
Statement by Brazil at the UNSC Consultations on the Middle East (Syria)
March 6th, 2023
Mister President,
At the outset, I would like to thank Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu for her briefing today.
I would also like to reiterate Brazil´s solidarity to the peoples of Syria and Türkiye after the devastating earthquake that hit both countries last month. The Brazilian government announced the donation of water purifiers and 7 tons of nutritious dehydrated foods to the government of Syria, as part of the efforts to help address the immediate needs of the affected populations. We express our deepest sympathies for their losses.
Mister President,
As we stated last time, the events described by the IIT’s latest report are extremely serious and must be subject to a thorough and impartial analysis, in accordance with the Chemical Weapons Convention. While we have concerns about the process that led to the establishment of the IIT as well as questions regarding the challenges it faced in the implementation of its mandate, we acknowledge the gravity of its conclusions. Brazil is giving the report its due consideration, in view of our unwavering commitment to the prohibition of use of chemical weapons.
We condemn the use of any chemical weapons, anywhere, by anyone and under any circumstances. Any use of such weapons represents a threat to international peace and security, in direct violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Brazil sees the use or threat of use of any weapon of mass destruction as incompatible with International Humanitarian Law.
Mister President,
Given the report’s worrisome conclusions, we reiterate the need for close cooperation between the OPCW and the UN, especially the Security Council, recalling that the ultimate responsibility for attribution rests with this body, according to the UN charter and the Chemical Weapons Convention itself.
We express our hope that Syrian authorities and the OPCW can engage in effective cooperation in order to clarify the episodes of chemical weapons use and to address the outstanding questions regarding the declared chemical arsenal of Syria and its destruction. This cooperation is essential to closing the "Syrian chemical file".
I thank you, Sir.