Declaração do Representante Permanente Alterno, Embaixador João Genésio de Almeida Filho, em reunião do Conselho de Segurança sobre confrontos fronteiriços entre a Armênia e o Azerbaijão - 15 de setembro de 2022 (texto em inglês)
Statement by the Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador João Genésio de Almeida Filho on the border clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan
September 15th 2022
Mr President,
The border clashes between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces earlier this week are contrary to the spirit and letter of the trilateral declarations of 9 November 2020, 11 January and 26 November 2021. There is a risk that these incidents undermine the needed trust between Armenia and Azerbaijan and jeopardize the progress of the last two years in the peace process.
Brazil calls the parties to respect international law and the UN Charter and solve their disputes through dialogue and diplomacy. We urge both sides to avoid actions that could escalate tensions and threaten the security of the civilian population, particularly in the districts affected by this week’s clashes. We add our voice to that of other members of this Council in favour of a lasting diplomatic solution to the territorial issues between the two countries, within the framework of the commission established to demarcate the bilateral border.
Brazil will continue to support further political and diplomatic efforts for a lasting and comprehensive peace in the region. We greatly value the moderating influence that regional actors can exert in preventing violence extremely relevant and encourage initiatives in this regard.
I thank you.