Declaração do Representante Permanente, Embaixador Ronaldo Costa Filho, durante reunião do Conselho de Segurança sobre Belarus - 31 de outubro de 2022 (texto em inglês)
Statement by the Permanent Representative Ambassador Ronaldo Costa Filho on Belarus
October 31st 2022
Mr President,
I thank Mr Sciacchitano for his briefing. Brazil actively participated in the discussions of the ICAO Council on the incidents involving the Ryanair flight FR 4978, last July. We reiterate our appreciation for the efforts of the Fact Finding Investigation Team in updating information essential to clarify the episode.
We received with concern the indications of violations of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil Aviation by Belarus. Brazil understands that altering a flight plan for political purposes establishes a serious precedent, which jeopardizes the integrity and the safety of international civil aviation. The FFIT report should be seen as a call to all states to avoid such practices in the future.
The seriousness of the episode is undeniable. However, Brazil understands that this is an issue related to human rights and the safety of international civil aviation. Perhaps we should reflect on whether the Security Council is the most appropriate forum to discuss the matter. In this regard, we fully support the submission of the report to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the forum we understand more competent to duly discuss the issue in the United Nations’ system.
Thank you.