Declaração da Delegação do Brasil durante reunião do Conselho de Segurança sobre a situação na Síria - 7 de novembro de 2022 (texto em inglês)
Statement by the Delegation of Brazil
Consultations - Middle East (Syria) [CW]
UNSC Chamber, 7 November 2022
Thank you, Mr. President.
I thank High-Representative Izumi Nakamitsu for her briefing.
I would also like to welcome the presence of the representatives of the Syrian Arab Republic, Türkiye and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Less than two weeks ago, we met in this chamber to discuss these same issues. The OPCW Director General's latest report was published on that day, so today we do not even have a new report to discuss.
Brazil follows closely the progress in the elimination of the Syrian Chemical weapons program, but we do not believe holding successive Security Council meetings when there is little or no relevant development on the ground is efficient in terms of both time and resources, as noted by the Russian Federation, India, China and the UAE.
Mr. President,
Due to the absence of new developments in the Syrian chemical weapons file, allow me, once again, to reaffirm our traditional positions on the matter.
Chemical weapons are utterly incompatible with international humanitarian law and, therefore, must have no place in the practices and doctrines of today's world. The use of such weapons violates international agreements and poses serious threats to international peace and security. Incidents must be addressed with transparency and be subject to thorough and impartial investigations, in accordance with the CWC.
I thank you.