Declaração da Delegação do Brasil em reunião do Conselho de Segurança sobre o Mecanismo Residual Internacional para Tribunais Penais - 22 de junho de 2022 (texto em inglês)
Statement by the Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador João Genésio de Almeida Filho on the adoption of a UNSC Resolution on the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals
June 22nd, 2022
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Mr. President,
I take the liberty of adding a few words to the statement Brazil made during the June 14 debate on the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals.
I would like to thank the Albanian presidency for organizing this meeting for the timely adoption of this resolution, which will allow the IRMCT to continue its activities until it accomplishes its important mission. I would also like to commend Gabon for its skillful coordination of the negotiations on the draft resolution in the Informal Working Group on International Tribunals, which was determinant for its successful outcome.
Today, once again, the Security Council showed that it can act to ensure accountability for serious violations of international law and strive to meet the legitimate aspirations of the international community for justice.
I avail myself of this opportunity to express support to the Secretary-General’s intention to appoint Judge Graciela Gatti as the new President of the IRMCT. In our view, Judge Gatti possesses all the needed attributes to give continuity to Judge Agius’ excellent work at the head of the IRMCT.
I thank you