Importing from Brazil
Here, you will find general guidelines that may help your company find suppliers and import products from Brazil. We gathered this information based on recurring queries and most common questions. The Trade, Investment and Tourism Promotion Sector (SECOM-
Sydney) is not responsible for information provided by third parties.
If the page you need is not available in English, please use your browser’s automatic translation.
1. Where do I start?
You can find general information at Invest&Export Brasil, at the following address: <>.
ApexBrasil also provides useful insights and solutions: <>.
2. Where can I find coffee suppliers in Brazil?
If you are looking for specialty coffee, you may contact the Brazilian Specialty Coffee Association. You can find a list of exporters at their website: <>.
You may also find it helpful to contact the exporters associated to the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council (Cecafé): <>.
If the page you need is not available in English, please use your browser’s automatic translation.
Please notice that these are not the only suppliers you may find in Brazil.
3. Where can I find suppliers of processed foods in Brazil?
For biscuits, pasta, breads and cakes, have a look at ABIMAPI’s website: <>.
If you’re looking for Brazilian sweets and snacks, check ABICAB’s dedicated website: <>.
Please notice that these are not the only suppliers you may find in Brazil.
4. Where can I find information and suppliers of typical Brazilian products that are protected by geographical indication?
Check this guide, published by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) and the Brazilian service of assistance to micro and small enterprises (SEBRAE): Brazilian Geographical Indications.
You can find more information regarding Brazilian geographical indications on this website: <>.
5. Where can I find other Brazilian suppliers or Brazilian suppliers for other products?
You may contact the team of CECIEx (Brazilian Council for Import and Export Houses), at <>; e-mail:
6. What are the main trade fairs in Brazil?
You can find a thorough calendar prepared by UBRAFE with all the main trade fairs and business events in Brazil at this link: <>.
Some of the main trade fairs related to agriculture, food and beverage are the following:
- Agrishow (agricultural technology): <>
- BioBrazil Fair (organic products, agroecology): <>
- ExpoCachaça (cachaça, spirits): <>
- Expodireto Cotrijal (agriculture): <>
- Expo Supermercados (retail, supermarkets): <>
- ExpoSuper (retail, supermarkets): <>
- Fispal Food Service: <>
- International Coffee Week: <>
- Naturaltech (natural products, food, supplements, health): <>
- Pulses and Special Crops International Summit: <>
- SRE Trade Show (food, beverage, retail): <>
7. What are the main Brazilian industry associations?
Please keep in mind that this is a non-exhaustive list, and this Trade Sector is not responsible for third-party information. Some of the names were freely translated from Portuguese to facilitate access to information. If the page is not available in English, please use your browser’s automatic translation.
Agriculture and livestock (acronyms in Portuguese):
- ABAG – Brazilian Agribusiness Association: <>
- ABCC – Brazilian Association of Shrimp Farmers: <>
- ABCSEM - Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings: <>
- ABIEC - Brazilian Beef Exporters Association: <>
- ABIOVE - Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries: <>
- ABPA – Brazilian Association of Animal Protein: <>
- ASSOCITRUS - Brazilian Association of Citrus Growers: <>
Automotive industry:
- ANFAVEA - Brazilian Association of Automotive Vehicle Manufacturers: <>
- SINDIPEÇAS - National Association of Brazilian Auto Parts Manufacturers: <>
- ABC – Brazilian Association of Ceramics: <>
Chemical products and plastic:
- ABIPLAST – Brazilian Association of the Plastic Industry: <>
- ABIQUIFI – Brazilian Association of the Pharmaceutical Inputs Industry: <>
- ABIQUIM - Brazilian Association of the Chemical Industry: <>
- ABIFINA - Brazilian Association of Industries of Fine Chemistry, Biotechnology and its Specialties: <>
- ABRAFAS - Brazilian Association of Producers of Artificial and Synthetic Fibers: <>
Food and beverage:
- ABIA – Brazilian Association of the Food Industry: <>
- ABIC - Brazilian Coffee Industry Association: <>
- ABIMAPI - Brazilian Association of Biscuits, Pasta and Industrialized Breads and Cakes: <>
- ABICALÇADOS – Brazilian Association of the Footwear Industry: <>
Machinery and equipment:
- ABIMAQ - Brazilian Association of the Machinery and Equipment Industry: <>
Paper and cellulose:
- ABTCP – Brazilian Technical Association of Cellulose and Paper: <>
Textile and apparel:
- ABIT - Brazilian Association of the Textile and Apparel Industry: <>
- ABRAVEST - Brazilian Apparel Association: <>
- ABRINQ – Brazilian Association of Toys Manufacturers: <>
8. Are there any chambers of commerce between Brazil and Australia?
In Brazil:
- Brazil Australia Official Chamber of Commerce: <>
In Australia:
- Australia Brazil Chamber of Commerce: <>
9. I still have doubts. Who can I talk to?
SECOM-Sydney has jurisdiction over the states of New South Wales, Queensland, and the Northern Territory; over the Australian territories: Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island, Ashmore & Cartier Islands, Coral Sea Islands Territory, Heard & McDonald Islands, and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands; over the French territories: Wallis & Futuna Islands, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, over French Polynesia (including the Gambier, Marquesas, Society, Tubuai, and Tuamotu Archipelago Islands), and over the American territory: American Samoa.
If you require further information, please contact <>
The states of Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory are under the jurisdiction of the Embassy of Brazil in Canberra. For assistance, please contact the SECOM in Canberra:
More information:
The Trade Investment and Tourism Promotion Sector (SECOM-Sydney)