Electoral Services
Electoral services must be requested directly on the TSE website, via the Electoral Self-Service.
See the TSE website for complete and up-to-date information on services for voters abroad.
Brazilian consulates are no longer authorised to provide electoral services.
If you have any questions, the Foreign Electoral Zone (ZZ) can be reached by the following means:
E-mail: eleitor.exterior@tre-df.jus.br
Telephone Service: (+55) (61) 3048-4000, (+55) (61) 99674-5453, (+55) (61) 99674-5446, (+55) (61) 99262-1743 or (+55) (61) 99164-7161 (Monday to Friday, working days, from 12 pm to 7 pm, Brasília time)
WhatsApp: (61) 9 9293-9773
e-Titulo App
The electoral situation can also be consulted via the e-Título mobile application. By providing your personal information in the app, you will be able to obtain all the data relating to your electoral situation and polling station. e-Título can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store.
Check out the video with instructions on how to use e-Título.
How often should I vote?
Registered voters abroad will only vote in the presidential elections, i.e. every four years.
What happens to Brazilians who fail to fulfil their electoral obligations?
Any citizen who fails to vote or provide justification once or twice will be fined. If you have failed to vote or justify your absence for three consecutive times, your electoral title will be cancelled.
I transferred my title to Turkey, but I never voted. Now my title has been cancelled. What should I do?
You must submit a request to the Electoral Court for exemption from paying electoral fines and a request for electoral enrolment.
And if my situation is irregular, what kind of problems could I have?
Brazilians who are not up to date with the electoral justice system may have problems regularising their CPF and issuing diplomas, among other things.
I've lived in Turkey for a long time. Am I obliged to vote? If I don't vote, do I have to justify it?
Voting is a requirement for all literate Brazilian citizens over the age of 18 and under the age of 70. Brazilians living abroad must apply to the Electoral Justice for registration or to transfer their residence, if they already have a title in Brazil. Please note that electoral procedures are suspended during the temporary closure of the Electoral Office abroad during election periods.
Brazilian voters with an electoral registration abroad (zone ZZ), those who obtained their electoral registration abroad or transferred their registration abroad, must vote only in the elections for President of the Republic.
On the other hand, those who live abroad but maintain their electoral domicile in Brazil are still obliged to vote in all elections and must provide justification if they fail to turn up to vote. Brazilian consulates and embassies are not authorised to receive electoral justifications.
Information on the deadlines and procedures for justifying an election is available on the website of the Superior Electoral Court:
Voters registered abroad will only vote in the presidential elections, i.e. every four years.