Temporary Visa IV (VITEM IV) may be granted to visitors for a stay of over 90 days, for the following purposes:
- REGULAR COURSE: Students attending courses such as elementary school, middle school, high school, undergraduate, and graduate. The required duration of the class schedule must be at least 15 hours per week.
- INTERNSHIP: Students attending a supervised academic education in a working environment. The students must be attending college or a graduate course at a foreign educational institution.
- STUDY EXCHANGE: Students attending exchange programs to improve academic training and with an aim at knowledge exchange and cultural experiences with a Brazilian institution of associate’s, bachelor’s, or graduate’s degree, with or without a scholarship. In order to qualify for the visa, the required duration of the class schedule must be at least 15 hours per week.
- RESEARCH EXCHANGE: Students attending exchange programs to improve academic training and with an aim at knowledge exchange and cultural experiences with a Brazilian institution of associate’s, bachelor’s, or graduate’s degree, with or without a scholarship. The classes are NOT required to have a minimum of hours per week.
- MEDICAL AREAS COURSES: Students intending to participate in medical specialization or graduate program.
- RELIGIOUS COURSES: Students of any school level intending to go to Brazil for religious courses.
- OTHER COURSES: Students interested in undergoing other courses, including technical or language courses offered by educational institutions duly registered (with “CNPJ”). In other to qualify for technical or language courses, the required duration of the class schedule must be at least 15 hours per week.
- PEC-G / PEC-PG PROGRAM: Students participating in the program Undergraduate Agreement (PEC-G) or Graduate Agreement (PEC-PG).
- FULBRIGHT PROGRAM: Students participating in the Fulbright Program.
- PASSPORT: Signed, valid up to the end of your trip, and with at least one visa blank page available (amendment pages are not accepted).
- BRAZILIAN VISA APPLICATION FORM: One per applicant, completely filled out online and signed by the passport holder or his/her parents/guardians. You will need to print only the receipt page with the bar code.
- PHOTO: One recent 2” x 2” passport-photo size, front view, white background.
- PROOF OF RESIDENCY in the jurisdiction of the Consulate (Connecticut, Rhode Island).
- EVIDENCE OF INCOME: Proof of financial capability during the stay in Brazil (i.e., copy of bank/credit card statements or paychecks/paystubs).
- ITINERARY: Round-trip ticket, booked itinerary (reservation), or invitation letter from the host.
- HEALTH INSURANCE: Valid for the whole stay. This requirement is waived if already mentioned in the invitation letter (see Additional Requirements below).
- BACKGROUND CHECK: FBI Clearance or local Police Department Clearance issued within the last six months (Attention: Eligibility 9 - Fulbright Program is exempt from this item).
- BIRTH CERTIFICATE: Copy of your birth certificate.- If the Birth Certificate is not in English, Portuguese, or French, it must be accompanied by an official translation into one of these languages.
- Acceptance letter issued by the Brazilian educational institution indicating the registration of the applicant, stating the name of the course (or courses), the time schedule, the weekly hours, and the duration of the course.
- Official documentation attesting the high school graduation (diploma or equivalent);
- Proof of approval at the entrance exam or open selection process for a graduate course at a graduate school duly accredited by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC).
- Copy of the selection process notice, which must include a minimum approval grade, a list of disciplines, as well as a certificate attesting that the minimum grade required was reached in each subject and that the student was approved in the selection process.
- Documentation proving the existence of registration in the intended course or declaration of vacancy issued by the Brazilian institution. The mentioned declaration of vacancy does not exempt the candidate from the selection exam.
- Official documentation attesting proof of College or University graduation (diploma or equivalent).
- Official documentation attesting an enrollment in a Stricto Sensu/Master and PhD graduate study course in a Brazilian institution duly accredited or recredited by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC).
- Official documentation attesting registration for a Lato Sensu graduate study course.
- Proof of current enrollment in a US/Foreign university or college.
- Agreement between the trainee/intern, the granting part of the internship, and the undergraduate education institution in which the foreigner is registered attesting the compatibility between his/her area of knowledge and the activities to be developed during the internship.
- Proof of current enrollment in a US/Foreign university or college.
- Proof of registration for an undergraduate or graduate study course in a Brazilian institution duly accredited or recredited by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC).
- Proof of current enrollment in a US/Foreign university or college.
- Proof of participation in a research project at a Brazilian institution duly accredited or recredited by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC) or at an institution that develops scientific research.
- Official certificate attesting graduation in Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, or equivalent.
- Proof of enrollment or invitation letter issued by medical course in Brazil.
- Registration or invitation letter from the intended specialization course in Brazil (the notarization of the documentation issued by a Brazilian public university or by a federal teaching institution is not required).
- Documentation signed by those responsible for the course stating that the foreigner will not practice medical acts in Brazil, except those necessary for his /her training and only in a teaching unit to which he/she is linked, being the preceptor his/her representative before the Regional Council of the designated professional category.
- Attention: Medical residency in Brazil: not eligible for non-permanent foreigners. Only authorized for foreigners who have the status of permanent residents.
- Attention: Nationals of countries that adhered to the "Agreement on Residence for Nationals of the States Parties of the Southern Common Market - Mercosur, Bolivia and Chile" are eligible for a medical residency in Brazil if bearers of a VITEM XIII.
- Proof of enrollment at a religious institution in Brazil. It is not necessary that the educational institution is recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC).
- Acceptance letter issued by the Brazilian educational institution indicating the registration of the applicant, stating the name of the course (or courses), the time schedule, the weekly hours, and the duration of the courses.
- Proof of approval issued by DCE/MRE and MEC (for PEC-G) or issued by CAPES or CNPq (for PEC-PG).
- Fulbright letter indicating the terms of the award.
- FOREIGN RESIDENTS: Evidence of legal stay in the U.S.
- Visa Request Form Receipt – RER must be signed by both parents or legal guardians;
- Original or notarized copy or birth certificate;
- Copy of parents' passports; and
- Notarized authorization form signed by both parents / legal guardians. Click here to download the form.
Get in contact with the Consulate by e-mail: cghartford@itamaraty.gov.br
All messages are answered in 5 business days or less.