CPF - for non - Brazilian citizens - REGISTRATION
- The information below is meant for non-Brazilian citizens
- Foreign-born Brazilian citizens who have been registered at a Consulate General in the United States are ineligible to apply for a CPF as a foreigner.
- Therefore, these individuals should instead apply for a CPF as Brazilian nationals.
- Foreigners who are not living in Brazil must apply for an individual taxpayer registry identification (Cadastro de Pessoa Física - CPF) at the Consulate General following the instructions provided below. There will be no charge for this service.
- The CPF is the equivalent of the USA Social Security number.
Step 1: To apply for CPF, the foreigner must request an appointment on the E-consular platform and follow the steps bellow:
E-consular: https://ec-hartford.itamaraty.gov.br/
All documents must be submitted through the e-Consular system, choosing the service "CPF Brasileiros/Foreigners".
Create an account using your e-mail and password.
Step 2.1: Fill out the online form (choose a link below), click on "submit", then print the generated document:
2.2: Non-Brazilian citizens must not fill out the field "Título de Eleitor".
2.3: The pop-up blocker must be disabled; otherwise, it will not be possible to submit the request.
2.4: After clicking "submit", a registration form (FCPF) will be generated containing a service code.
Step 3: The applicant must attend the appointment (Step 1) and present the documents listed bellow at the Consulate:
- CPF's registration form (FCPF);
- A photo ID showing the applicant's full name, date of birth and nationality (example: Passport or RNE/CRNM);
- Adults: Birth certificate showing parents' name - If the Birth Certificate is not in English, Portuguese, or French, it must be accompanied by an official translation into one of these languages.
- Minors under 16 years old: Must present a document showing the parents' names (e.g.: Birth Certificate) and appear at the Consulate accompanied by their parents or legal guardians (Parents or legal guardians must present their Photo IDs). If the Birth Certificate is not in English, Portuguese, or French, it must be accompanied by an official translation into one of these languages.
Note that other CPF related services, such as data correction or update, can only be made by e-mail to Receita Federal.
Receita Federal's email: cpf.residente.exterior@rfb.gov.br
All documents must be submitted through the e-Consular system, choosing the service "CPF Foreigners Only".