Passport photo – specifications
Publicado em
06/01/2023 15h00
Atualizado em
24/04/2024 13h32
- Color photo taken in the last 6 months.
- Applicant directly facing the camera with a neutral expression. Eyes clearly visible.
- Photo must be clear and in color, reproducing skin tones accurately, and be properly exposed with no shadows.
- If you wear glasses, the lenses must not reflect room or camera light. Under no circumstances may sunglasses or gaudy frames be worn.
- You may not wear hats or head coverings except for religious purposes.
- Avoid white clothes.
- CHILDREN: No other person in the photo; the child must face the camera with eyes open. Only the child's face and shoulders should appear fully framed. No toys or people's hands can appear holding them.
Please check below to see samples of accepted photos according to ICAO