Electoral Justification
Voters registered abroad had to justify their absence(s) from polls in 2022 through the E-Titulo app, the Sistema Justifica, or through the "Requerimento de Justificativa Eleitoral" form, up to 60 (sixty) days after each round (until 12/01/2022 – for the actual election day and until 01/09/2023 for the runoff).
Electoral justification is valid only for the round that the voter was absent from the polls due to being away from their voting address. Therefore, if you failed to vote in the first and second rounds of the elections, you should have justified your absence separately for each one, following the same requirements and deadlines for each round.
The unjustified absence in three consecutive rounds results in the cancellation of the voter ID. An up-to-date voter ID status is necessary to obtain or regularize one's CPF (Taxpayer ID), take public office positions, and enroll in Brazilian educational institutions, among others.
After the deadlines, any voter who did not justify their absence at the polls must request an adjustment with the TSE through the Titulo Net platform.