Visa - researcher/exchange student (high school) (VITEM I)
NOTICE: Click here to book an appointment to lodge your visa application.The Consulate only provides visa applications if the person or a third party have received an appointment confirmation.
a) General rules
A - Scientist/Professor/Researcher participating in scientific or technological studies, associated with Brazilian institutions of academic studies or research and development, work for government, private or non-governmental institutions, under an international cooperation agreement. The two possibilities are: for amaximum stay of two years (without payment from a Brazilian source) or to perform a "pro labore" work within a ninety days period. Depending on the nature of the research or cultural activity, approval from a Brazilian authority may be required;
B - Exchange student (Rotary Club) - High School programs;
C – Practical trainees in the operation or maintenance of equipment or machines made in Brazil;
D - Amateur athletes under 21 years for intensive practice in Brazilian institutions without remuneration for competing;
- Extensions (whenever applicable) requested at the Department of Federal Police, in Brazil, at least 30 days before the visa expires.
- VITEM-I holders who are to stay in Brazil for more than 90 days MUST register in person at the Department of Federal Police in Brazil within the first 30 days after their arrival.
b) Required documents
1– Passports presented must be original, valid for at least 6 (six) months prior to expiration date. The passport must have at least 2 (two) blank visa pages.
2 - One recent 3,5 cm x 4,5 cm (pasfoto) photograph, front view, light background.
3 – One visa application form per person (click here to fill in the form). Please disregard the error message about the website’s security certificate. Click at “Continue to this website (not recommended)”.
Fill in the form.
. Click "SEND" to receive your processing number and receipt.
. Print the receipt.
. Attach your photograph
. Sign the receipt.
. Bring the duly completed and signed receipt, original documents and passport. The payment will be done during the process at the Consulate by “PIN”(debit card).
4 - Certificate of good behavior (international model) issued by the Ministry of Justice certifying absence of criminal record – only valid within 90 days after issuance, apostilled.
- VOG - Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag: In order to issue the VOG, the Dutch authorities request a declaration provided by this Consulate. To request the declaration, send a photo of your passport to:
- Minors are exempted from certificate of good behavior.
Specific requirements per category: All Brazilian documents must be originals or copies apostilled/notarized in Brazil.
A – Researchers, scientists and professors - provided that no income is derived from a Brazilian source (daily travel allowances and scholarships excepted).
- A copy of the ordinance (“Portaria”) of the Minister of Science and Technology of Brazil as published in the Brazilian Official Gazette, in which it is stated:
a) Full name of the foreigner(s) involved in the activities;
b) Title of the research;
c) Name of the institution to which the foreigner is related;
d) Name of the Brazilian sponsoring institution.
Or alternatively:
- If the applicant is to work in Brazil for an international organization, such as the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank and the Corporación Andina de Fomento, as part of a project approved by the Brazilian government, the applicant must produce a letter from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil or from the institution related to it and responsible for the project in Brazil, that is, a foundation, a state-owned company or a state university. The letter should state:
a) Full name of the foreigner involved in the activities;
b) Name of the research;
c) Name of the international organization by which the foreigner will be paid;
d) Name of the Brazilian institution for which the foreigner will work.
- If the applicant is supposed to be a resercher in Brazil under a scholarship granted by a Brazilian governmental institution (such as CNPq, CAPES or FINEP), the applicant must produce a letter from the sponsoring institution in which it should be stated:
a) Full name of the foreigner involved in the activities;
b) Title of the research;
c) Name of the institution that grants the scholarship;
d) Name of the Brazilian institution for which the foreigner will work.
Letter in which the applicant states his agreement regarding the Brazilian legislation and the specific rules of the National Council for Imigration (CNIg).
– Proof of holding means sufficient to support himself in Brazil (minimum € 700,00 per month) or letter of the institution in Brazil taking responsibility for the applicant’s maintenance and return trip to Brazil.
B* - Exchange students
- Copy of the exchange student institution's act of incorporation.
- Copy of the exchange student institution's certificate of registration at the Brazilian National Legal Persons Registry (CNPJ).
- Letter from Brazilian institution stating the purpose of the trip, duration and place of activities to be undertaken duly signed and notarized.
- Letter from school in Brazil confirming the enrollment of the student and stating the duration of the studies duly signed and notarized.
-Complete name, address and qualifications of persons hosting the student in Brazil (“host family”).
C – Practical trainees who will work under an international cooperation agreement recognized by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Relations:
– Copy of the international agreement under which the applicant will work
– Proof of professional expertise in keeping with the work to be done in Brazil
– Letter from the institution in Brazil stating activities to be undertaken by the applicant, its location and duration, and that the applicant will not receive any remuneration from a Brazilian source duly signed and legalized.
D* - Amateur athletes under 21 years of age - engaged in intensive sports training in Brazilian institutions without remuneration for competing.
- In order to receive a complete list of required documents, please write to
*IMPORTANT: Minors of 18 years of age: letter of consent signed by father and mother or guardian (proof of guardianship required), for applicants younger than 18 years old when traveling alone. If traveling with one parent only, letter of consent of the other, non-accompanying parent is required. Please check with the Consulate-General if specimen signature and seal of notary public are already on file.
All fees are payable by debit card (PIN). Credit cards and “cheques” are not accepted.
For more information on the service cost, please check our Consular Fees.
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