Brazilian Nationality
Brazilian Nationality
General information
Article 12, item I of the Federal Constitution provides that the following are considered Brazilian by birth:
1. those born in Brazil, even if of foreign parents, provided that they are not at the service of their country;
2. those born abroad, of a Brazilian father or a Brazilian mother, provided that either of them is at the service of Brazil;
3. those born abroad, to a Brazilian father or a Brazilian mother, provided that they are registered with a competent Brazilian authority, or come to reside in Brazil, and opt for the Brazilian nationality at any time after reaching majority.
It also states that the following are naturalized Brazilians (art. 12, item II):
1. those who, as set forth by law, acquire Brazilian nationality, it being the only requirement for persons originating from Portuguese-speaking countries the residence for one uninterrupted year and good moral repute;
2. foreigners of any nationality, resident in Brazil for over fifteen uninterrupted years and without criminal conviction, provided that they apply for the Brazilian nationality.
For further information related to Brazilian nationality, visit the Ministry of Justice's website, or contact the ministry's Nationality and Naturalization Division by e-mail, at "" or "".
Loss of Brazilian nationality
Pursuant to article 12, § 4, item II of the Federal Constitution, loss of nationality shall be declared if a Brazilian acquires another nationality, except in case of:
1. recognition of the original nationality by the foreign law;
2. imposition of naturalization, under the foreign rules, to the Brazilian resident in a foreign State, as a condition for permanence in its territory, or for the exercise of civil rights.
The Brazilian who voluntarily adopts another nationality shall not automatically lose his/her Brazilian nationality, but proceedings might be instituted under the Ministry of Justice, which shall rule on loss of Brazilian nationality in case one of the exceptional circumstances mentioned above cannot be confirmed.
If, by any reason, the Brazilian individual who holds another nationality (either original or by naturalization) wishes to give up (renounce) his/her Brazilian nationality, the application must be electronically sent via the system available on the Ministry of Justice's website ("Protocolo Eletrônico").
Alternatively, the individual can post the loss of nationality application to the Ministry of Justice, to the address below:
Ministério da Justiça - Departamento de Migrações [Ministry of Justice - Migration Department]
Esplanada dos Ministérios, Bloco T, anexo II, sala T3, Brasília - DF,
CEP: 70.064-900
To check the list of required documents for this service, click here. To download the required form, click here.
The application template and guidelines for sending and following the request through are available on the website of the Ministry of Justice (Portuguese only).
The loss of Brazilian nationality will only be made final once the National Secretary of Justice's Ordinance has been published in the Federal Gazette (D.O.U.) at the end of the administrative proceedings (which can either be requested by the court at its own motion or by the person concerned), after full right to defense has been granted.