Intervenção da Representante Permanente do Brasil junto à ONU em Genebra, Embaixadora Maria Nazareth Farani Azevêdo, por ocasião do Diálogo Interativo com a Relatora Especial sobre Moradia Adequada – 34ª Sessão do CDH – Genebra, 1º/03/2017 [Inglês]
Human Rights Council – 34th Session – Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing and Independent Expert on foreign debt
Mr. President,
Brazil thanks the Special Rapporteur Leilani Farha for her report and welcomes its focus on the issue of financialization of housing. As she correctly mentions, “while much has been written about the financialization of housing, it has not often been considered from the standpoint of human rights”. We believe that her report makes a meaningful contribution to start filling this gap.
The Special Rapporteurs’ inputs, conclusions and recommendations are particularly relevant in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the New Urban Agenda adopted at Habitat III.
In the New Urban Agenda, we share a vision of cities and human settlements for all. We envisage cities and human settlements that fulfil their social function. We commit ourselves to fostering the supply of a variety of adequate housing options that are safe, affordable and accessible for members of different income groups of society. We also commit ourselves to promoting the role of affordable and sustainable housing and housing finance.
These steps will help us ensure access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services by 2030, as stipulated by target 11.1 of the SDGs.
In Brazil, we are redoubling efforts to achieve our international commitments. The recently revised program “My House My Life” (Minha Casa Minha Vida) aims to address the housing deficit by providing low-income and low-middle income families with the means to acquire their own houses. The program has already supported more than 4 million families living in urban and rural areas in 5,363 municipalities, which amount to 93% of the national territory.
Last month [February], President Michel Temer announced an important expansion of the program: this year, approximately 600 thousand new housing units will be constructed, contributing to the Government’s efforts to address affordable housing shortages and promote urban social inclusion.
Mr. President,
Allow me to take this opportunity to also thank the Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States for his report, that focuses on labour rights in the context of economic reform and austerity measures.
Last December, the Brazilian Government submitted to the National Congress a draft bill to modernize labour relations in our country. Its main objective is to strengthen the collective bargaining between workers and employers. It will generate legal certainty regarding collective bargaining agreements, which today may be contested in the courts.
We are confident that the initiative will contribute to promote productive employment while safeguarding fundamental labour rights.
Thank you.