III Cúpula América do Sul-Países Árabes – Acordo de cooperação voltado para impactos, vulnerabilidade, adaptação e redução de riscos de mudança do clima, degradação e desertificação - Lima, 2 de outubro de 12
(Versão em português será divulgada oportunamente)
Considering the need to enhance the activities of technical cooperation between the South American and Arab regions to address the impacts, vulnerability, adaptation and risk reduction of climate change, land degradation and desertification;
Conscious of the need to implement specific projects and activities on technical, scientific, and technological cooperation and in the field of innovation, which may effectively contribute to development in addressing the impacts, vulnerability, adaptation and risk reduction of climate change, land degradation and desertification;
Considering the mandate established in paragraphs 93 and 94 of the “Doha Declaration”, adopted in the II ASPA Summit (March, 31st, 2009), which regard to cooperation in these areas;
Considering that the projects and activities identified by both regions will bring significant benefits to the formulation of more efficient policies, with a view to combat desertification, rehabilitate degraded areas, and to monitor climate change, as well as to promote institutional strengthening in the aforementioned countries; and
Recognizing that technical, scientific, and technological cooperation and innovation are valuable instruments of political dialogue and coordination,
Agree on the following:
1. The intent of this Cooperation Framework is to promote the development of projects of technical, scientific and technological cooperation between South American and Arab countries, as well as to establish a framework for their implementation.
2. The Technical Cooperation Program of the Summit of South American-Arab Countries (ASPA), subject of this Cooperation Framework, will be based on the following guidelines:
a) the projects and activities negotiated and approved by the Parties will comprehend especially, but not only, the following goals:
i) to stimulate the creation of a research and studies network on the impacts, vulnerability, adaptation and risk reduction of climate change, land degradation and desertification among the countries interested;
ii) to establish an international network on this subject, gathering the existing national networks, aiming at the creation of protocols for the preservation, prevention and recovering of areas affected by desertification;
iii) to train skilled and competent specialists in strategic areas for the development of semiarid and arid regions with regard to the impacts, vulnerability, adaptation and risk reduction of climate change, land degradation and desertification;
iv) to foster the implementation of research and innovation projects, in the areas listed in paragraph 77 of the “Doha Declaration” of the II ASPA Summit, particularly for technology and means of recovering and managing areas affected by desertification, land degradation and drought;
v) to foster studies on identification and enhancement of species of native vegetation in each country with nutritional, fodder, energetic and medical value, as well as wood products, colorants, essential oils, fibers of economic value and other uses aiming at cropping on economic basis;
vi) to develop technology for cultivating native species, according to the concept of xeric plants;
vii) to foster carbon sequestration studies and practices;
viii) to promote modeling involving climate change and productive systems, with simulation of scenarios based on alert systems for extreme climate events;
ix) to foster studies that stimulate improvement and identification of productive genotypes of traditional cultures in vulnerable conditions;
x) to develop studies and exchange of experiences in rainwater catchment and harvesting;
xi) to foster studies to favor the elaboration of public policies aimed at reducing climate change impacts on water resources in the various countries concerned;
xii) to foster studies on the main forecast impact scenarios related to climate change and to the expansion of desertification within the territories of South American and Arab countries;
xiii) to analyze the scenarios of climate change effects on water resources and propose alternative adaptation measures;
xiv) to analyze the scenarios of climate change effects on coastal zones and propose alternative adaptation measures;
b) Each project or activity of technical, scientific, technological cooperation or in the field of innovation should determine the institutions and responsibilities of the agencies involved in its implementation, the goals, the expected results, the calendar of activities and the financial resources, considering that horizontal cooperation is based on the principle of cost-sharing;
c) The Parties will be able to carry out technical and scientific missions;
d) The Program may contemplate the participation of third parties such as Arab and South American specialized organizations, UN agencies and multilateral institutions, according to specific projects.
3. For the purpose of coordinating, monitoring and evaluating the cooperation actions derived from this Framework Cooperation, the South American side designates the National Institute of the Semiarid (INSA) of Brazil, and the Arab side designates the Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (ACSAD).
4. This Cooperation Framework will come into effect on the date of its signature.
Signed at Lima, on the 2nd of October of 2012, in two original copies, in the English, Spanish and Portuguese languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergences of interpretation, the English text will prevail.