Livros disponíveis na Biblioteca Azeredo da Silveira:
O Brasil, os BRICS e a agenda internacional
BRICS: as potências emergentes: China, Rússia, Índia, Brasil e África do Sul
Os BRICs e seus vizinhos: comércio e acordos regionais
Os BRICs na OMC : políticas comerciais comparadas de Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul
BRICS : Trade policies, institutions and areas of deepening cooperation
In search of stability, security and growth: BRICS and a new world order
Os BRICS na construção de um mundo multipolar
BRIC in the New World Order: Perspectives from Brazil, China, India and Russia
Artigos disponíveis na EBSCOhost:
The Challenge of BRIC Multinationals (*eBook)
The BRIC Road to Growth (*eBook)
BRICs and the Global Transformation : Considerations on the BRIC Summit of Think Tanks in Brasilia (*eBook)
BRICS and the Emergence of International Tax Coordination (*eBook)
The International Political Economy of the BRICS (*eBook)
Rising BRICs and Changes in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Business Cycle Patterns (*eBook)
The Arab States of the Gulf and BRICS. New Strategic Partnerships in Politics and Economics (*eBook)
Social, Political and Cultural Challenges of the BRICS (*eBook)
Economic Growth And Income Disparity In Bric: Theory And Empirical Evidence (*eBook)
Laying the BRICS of a New Global Order : From Yekaterinburg 2009 to Ethekwini 2013 (*eBook)
Through the Lenses of Morality and Responsibility: BRICS, Climate Change and Sustainable Development
Does FDI foster technological innovations? Empirical evidence from BRICS economies
South Africa in BRICS: A Review of Asymmetric Power Relations in an Intercontinental Group
China, the BRICS, and the limitations of reshaping global economic governance
Scenarios for BRICS Evolution in Light of the India–China Conflict
Fit for Purpose? BRICS and Inner‐Group Conflicts
BRICS - um instrumento para a transição hegemônica dos estadunidenses para os chineses
The BRICS Coming of Age and the New Development Bank
The non-linear relationship between globalization, financial development and energy consumption: Evidence from BRICS economies
The dilemma of growth: pollution and health impacts in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)
*Os títulos que apresentam a notação (eBook) podem ser baixados, através da página EBSCOhost, mediante a criação de uma conta individual.